An Audience With Paimon

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I sat at my desk in my house, tinkering with a revolver to the best of my ability with one arm. This revolver had a human design but was combined with hell technology. It was the hardest-hitting firearm I had, being capable of putting a fist-sized hole through any demon in hell.

Loona's injuries weren't terrible, compared to some of her prior injuries, at least. She only suffered lacerations throughout her body and some pieces of glass were lodged rather deep in her back. Luckily, she hadn't broken any bones from the impact she and Octavia had taken.

While her physical injuries weren't bad, I feared the main damage she sustained was to her mind. Obviously, anyone who experienced an attempted rape would suffer mentally afterward. But the look in her eyes... it was almost like she was reliving a memory like this wasn't the first time it had happened.

I was still angry about the whole situation, coming across Loona and those two disgusting wastes of life. Killing them didn't make me feel any better. The death they got was far too merciful a consequence for their actions. Alas, there was nothing I could do to them now.

I wished I could be next to Loona, watching over her while she rested. However, Blitzø blamed the whole situation on me and has since refused to let me anywhere near her. My thoughts drifted back to the argument between Blitzø and I, as I continued to tinker with the revolver.

"How could you allow this to happen?! This shit is your fault!" Blitzø shouted, drawing his pistol and aiming it at me.

Due to the stress of the situation mixed with the unsatiated anger I felt from what I saw done to Loona, I had quickly grabbed hold of the gun and moved the barrel up toward the ceiling. A single shot was fired into the ceiling before I side-kicked Blitzø in the chest. The kick sent him flying backward, knocking him through a wall. I tossed his gun aside and returned to my neutral stance.

"You're blaming me for this!? You think this is my fault?!" I shouted back at him as he sat up, rubbing his head.

"You're supposed to protect her! Keep her safe!" He shot back.

"I have! But your version of safety is keeping her locked in a cage, away from the world and everyone and everything else! You've isolated her from her peers! Can't you see that?! She has no friends because of you! No social skills because of you! In the five years you have had her as a daughter, you have only added to her problems! Go home and take a good fucking look in the mirror and ask yourself this question; Am I a good father? Am I really doing a good job? Re-evaluate yourself!" I shouted at him, all the anger from the situation coming out at that very moment. "You're a fucking adult! Act like it!" I finished.

"I'll fucking kill you!!" Blitzø shouted in response, getting up to his feet. He started to charge me and in response, I got ready for his attack. But before anything could happen, a blue and purple flame engulfed us both, lifting us off our feet.

"Hell's sake, enough, both of you," Stolas said, walking into sight. "Blitzø, this situation is clearly not Y/n's fault. He and I had a meeting and during that, Octavia and Loona hung out. Loona is twenty-two, and she can go where she pleases. Blaming Y/n for something that is not his fault will not make Loona better nor will it be productive," Stolas calmly explained.

Blitzø's expression seemed to soften ever so slightly and I could see he was calming down a bit.

"Now, if I put you both down, will you stop fighting?" Stolas asked.

"Yes," I replied. I looked over at Blitzø to see that he had grumbled something and folded his arms, still levitating off the ground.

"I'm sorry, what was that Blitzy?" Stolas asked and waved his hand, causing Blitzø to be moved a little closer to him.

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