Lost and Found

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Loona and I were lying in her bed. My head was resting on her chest while she was lightly stroking my hair. I closed my eyes, fully relaxing into her embrace. My tail swayed between my legs, as did Loona's. My left ear twitched as Loona continued petting my head, moving down to and behind my left ear. I look up at her, giving a soft smile. She smiled back and opened her mouth to say something, however instead of words coming out of her mouth, a beeping noise did. It was then that I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring next to me. I sat up, grumbling that it was simply a dream. "Fucking Christ," I said, as I slid out of bed. I still had a few hours before the portal to IMP would open and I'd start work. I got out of bed, slipped my shoes on, and then went out for a run. As I began my run, the cold 30 degree weather engulfed my body and stung my flesh. While I did have fur, it doesn't do a whole lot when its 30 degrees and below. Whenever I would run, I'd run shirtless so that I couldn't stop running, otherwise, I'd get too cold. I ran from my house to a parkour course I had built. I easily climbed up a wall, and jumped from one thing to another, as I went through the course. Once I finished, I went through it backward, then ran back to my house. After finishing my morning run and shower, I put on my work outfit, which was usually just cargo pants, a black T-shirt, and a hooded leather jacket. Blitzø never cared what we wore for work, so I just chose what was comfortable and made sense for my line of work. I also brought a tactical vest, gloves, and knee pads, in a second bag, for when I do field work with Blitzø. After finishing my whole morning routine, I sat outside, waiting for the portal to IMP to open. Once it does, I walk through into the main area. As I walk in, looking to my left to see 3 knives flying in my direction. I duck just in time that they only graze my hair. "What the fuck?!" I shout looking to see who threw them. Loona looks at me and growls, baring her teeth. I put my hands up defensively and back away into the corner, out from between Loona and Blitzø.

"Loony, please can we talk-" Blitzø starts, however, is cut off by an empty water dispenser hitting him in the face. "FUCK! Uh, I mean, wow! Good throw, honey! I-I'm so proud of youuuuu!" Blitzø said, before Loona pounced on him, tackling him to the ground, then grabbing a picture off the wall and hitting Blitzø with it. I walk over to Millie and Moxxie who are sitting on the couch, and sit next to them.

"So... what the fuck is happening?" I ask, still recovering from the three throwing knives nearly hitting me in the head.

"Yeah honey, what's all this about?" Millie asks, sitting down as well.

"Ah, oh! Blitzø finally talked to her about her attitude with clients," Moxxie answered us. Blitzø then grabs the couch that all three of us are sitting on, pulling it between him and Loona. Loona growls at him, baring her teeth.

"I just think some small tweaks might help you be more of a uh, people person, you know?" Blitzø said to Loona, still hiding behind the couch.

"I am a people person!" Loona replied angrily, reaching past me, Millie, and Moxxie to grab Blitzø by the collar of his shirt and pull him close to her. She clenched a fist tightly with her other hand, looking like she was preparing to punch Blitzø. "If I'm so terrible, how about you just grow a pair and replace me?" Loona added, still holding Blitzø's collar tightly.

"Okay, well, maybe I- Maybe I might." Blitzø said.

"What?" Loona said, her whole expression changing from one of anger to one of confusion. I could even see a small hint of hurt in her eyes. I doubt anyone else saw it, but I could tell it was there. Blitzø looked down at Moxxie, who gave him a thumbs up.

"Maybe I will, little missy! Yeah, that's right it's tough love time. So, now you can... go... to your desk!" Blitzø responded, turning back to Loona. Loona growled and let him go, walking back to her desk angrily. Once she was back at her desk I stood up as Moxxie and Blitzø started talking. I walked into the kitchen of the IMP office to grab some coffee for myself. My phone dinged and I looked down at it, to see that there was a text from Loona.

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