The Scarlet King

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"What story shall we read tonight?" my mother asked, looking at me while waiting for my response before she grabbed one of the many books on the bookshelf in my room. I looked away from my mother and thought for a moment before responding.

"A-actually Mom, could you maybe tell me the story about Dad? And who he is," I asked. It has been a question bothering me for some time now. I didn't see my father all that often and when I did, he didn't tell me much about what he did or where he was. He was only interested in me and what I had been up to. I looked back at my mother to see that she had a look of hesitation on her face. I cocked my head to the left in curiosity.

"Sure," She said after a few moments. We repeated our nightly ritual where she would heat up a mug of warm milk for me and while I would wait for her to get my mug of milk I'd get into bed. Once I had gotten into bed and she had gotten my milk, she sat next to me in my bed. "First of all, your father is a very, very complicated demon," My mother started, taking a breath before she continued. As she told me the story of my father, I closed my eyes and began to imagine everything she said.

Long ago, during Hell's construction, there was a demon born into the Ars Goetia. He was given the name Valac. Valac was born at the very bottom of the Ars Goetia. His life growing up, while better than the life of any normal hellborn, did not have the childhood that those born to the Ars Goetia Kings.

Early on in school, Valac would try to reach out to his peers. He tried to hang out with them and build relationships with them, however, he always faced rejection by them. "Hey! Can I hang out with you guys during lunch?" Valac would ask.

"Hah! A president hanging out with a prince? Who has heard of such a thing? No!" One of the other Ars Goetia princes said, shoving Valac's food off of the table and onto the ground, ruining it. This rejection hurt Valac deeply. He fell victim to what most in hell fall victim to, classism. Imps, Hellhounds, and other lowly hellborns faced the same struggles growing up. Rejection from those around them, especially those higher up in society.

As Valac grew older, he stopped trying to reach out to his peers. A deep resentment towards them began to grow deep within him. He started to look at them with disgust for what they had, what they represented. Every day he would see kings, dukes, princes, or any other higher-ranked Ars Goetia than himself, he would think about how he could kill them. He couldn't kill them, since he was only considered an Ars Goetia by birth. He had no magical powers to rise through the ranks and grow his powers, so he would never rise above the rank of president.

In starting in his late teens, Valac began to practice the art of combat. He mastered techniques over decades, making sure that every move was flawless. Valac mastered combat with bladed weapons, blunt weapons, and his bare hands. Guns had not been brought to hell at this point, since this was no longer after the creation of hell. As Valac's skill grew, he caught the eye of Satan, the deadly sin of the wrath ring. Satan saw potential in the young Valac, so Satan gave Valac the chance to join his army.

During the early centuries of hell, it was unclear who would be in control of what ring of hell. Everyone knew that Lucifer was the most powerful demon, so he took the pride ring and no one could do anything about it. The other rings, however, were left to those powerful enough to take control. Satan had set his eyes on taking the wrath ring as his. Baal, another demon king, also wanted the ring of wrath. Both Satan and Baal had very large and strong armies and often battles between the two armies were long and bloody, leaving many dead. Valac however, flourished in these battles. While Valac did not have any magical powers, his skills with weapons were unmatched, and he was beloved by the officers in charge of his legion because he had near mastery over any weapon. This allowed them to put Valac anywhere on the battlefield, however, he was most often put on the frontlines since he showed such skill in battle that putting him anywhere else would be wasteful of his abilities.

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