Exiled Beyond Wall Rose

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(Name) was tossed out of the safety and security of Wall Rose, and into the hellscape of the Titan infested lands outside.

With no parents and friends, the chances of her survival was minimal.

She lived in constant fear, of being eaten by a Titan, the walls were so far away.

The Garrison had sentenced her to death for the crime of having no money to pay off the debt of her family.

But one day, all that would change. Her heart pounding, and a sinking feeling in her stomach, she heard footsteps.

A scout, a survey corps member was walking towards her.

(Name) struggled to stand, as she had been malnourished for months. With no one coming to her aid, she had accepted that death was her destiny in the world outside the walls.

But then, from the fog and shadow, Hange Zoë of the Survey Corps emerged.

Hange, in her distinct glasses and her unkempt hair, was instantly recognizable, even in the half light of the world outside the walls. Hange held a sword in her hand, and approached the girl.

Hange picked up (Name) and carried her over her shoulder, as if she were as light as air.

After a few minutes (Name) was in the Survey Corps' headquarters, which was bustling with people, some wounded from battle, others injured from training exercises, and others like Levi, sitting in the corner reading.

Levi looked up when he saw Hange carrying the new person, and rose to his feet. Levi spoke with his typical bluntness

"Why have you brought her here? Is she a new recruit? Or has a Titan hurt her?"

Hange laid (Name) on her back on-top of a table in one of the treatment rooms. Hange then examined the (Name)'s injuries, she was bruised and dirty, her face was caked in mud and her clothes were torn.

Hange then looked at Levi "Captain, you should take a look at this, something unusual happened while I was out."

Hange and Levi looked at the (Name), in such a bad state, and Hange couldn't tell what caused it. She asked the (Name) for her name, but she was still unconscious.

(Name) opened her eyes, and was met by the faces of Hange and Levi. Hange spoke with her typical earnestness,

"Hello, what is your name?" (Name) did not answer, as she was tired and her body felt heavy, she could only look at Hange, her face still looking shocked. Levi broke the silence,

"You aren't a scout, are you, you seem to be too weak to be one?" (Name), with effort, mustered enough energy to speak to them.

Hange, noticing Levi's bluntness, looked at him and said "Levi, we can handle her gently."

Levi frowned and asked (Name) why she had been outside the walls, and what her background was.

(Name) started to speak in a very soft voice, "I was, um.... I have been outside the walls since I could remember, my, um family, they.... couldn't get enough money for the Garrison."

Levi cut her off half way through her sentence and said "So they turned you out to be eaten by Titans?"

"Yes" (Name) said, with her soft voice breaking mid-speech, "I was, um, scared, so I always ran, and, and, I hid."

(Name) continued. "And so I lived, and I hid, and, and, oh no, I am so sorry!"

The girl let out a cry as a panic attack took hold. Hange quickly took note, and gently put her hand on the (Name)'s back, "It's ok, you are safe, you are not going to be eaten."

Levi turned to Hange and said, with the softest voice he had ever used, "It seems that she has had a traumatic experience, we should show her some gentleness." And Hange nodded in agreement.

Levi, who was always perceived as cold and indifferent, sat down next to (Name), who was still shaking and crying.

(Name) looked at Levi and was terrified, and cried out "Please don't hurt me! I'm so sorry!" Levi looked at (Name) with a gentle look in his eyes,

"Shhhh, I won't hurt you, I promise." (Name) was shocked, as no one had ever comforted her or treated her with kindness before.


(Name) stood in front of Levi, unsure of what he wanted to talk to her about. Levi looked at (Name) with a kind but serious look on his face,

"I would like you to consider joining the Survey Corps." (Name) swallowed, she was terrified of the idea but her life had only been filled with pain and difficulty, so maybe, just maybe this would be an easier life.

(Name) looked at Levi and asked "Why do you want me to join the Survey Corps? I have no skills. I'm weak, and I'm not a soldier."

Levi nodded "I can train you, I can give you all the support you need. You don't have to do this alone. We will all be there by your side." (Name) was touched, no one had ever been so kind to her.

She took a deep breath and said "Ok, I, I guess I can do it." Levi smiled and extended his hand to give (Name) a handshake, a gesture of trust.

(Name) slowly reached out to shake Levi's hand, and the two had an unspoken understanding of what this would mean.

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