A Warning Taken

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The Squad Levi, along with Eren are riding on a horse together, making their way to their barracks.

The weather is calm and clear, and the sun shines brightly in the sky. Enjoying the feeling of the crisp air on their faces and the gentle movement of the horse.

As they ride, the conversation shifts to their experiences as Scouts and the challenges they have faced together.

It's a relaxing and peaceful moment, and they all feel refreshed as they prepare for their upcoming mission.

As they ride along, Oru starts to mess with Eren, and he tries to scare him by pretending to be Levi. Oru gets closer to Eren and mimics Levi.

(Name) notices Levi's annoyed look and decides to help him out. She lightly kicks Oru's horse, causing it to rear up and buck, forcing Oru to grip the saddle tightly.

Oru swears and bites his tongue, and Levi smiles, clearly finding it funny and relieving that (Name) understood his annoyance and helped him out. Oru looks embarrassed.

The group arrives at their barracks, an old and dusty place that hasn't been used for a long time.

It's clear that it could use some maintenance and attention. The group dismounts from their horses and heads inside, setting their gear down and making themselves comfortable.

(Name) is curious about the old and dusty appearance, and Petra gives a quick explanation that the place has been abandoned for a while and it's been difficult to get the resources needed to restore it.

Levi gives the order to clean up the barracks, and the squad gets to work immediately. Eren is given the task of sweeping and scooping up the dust and debris, while Petra and (Name) are assigned the job of cleaning and organizing the supply room.

Everyone sets to work, making the barracks cleaner and tidier than it's been in a long time.

(Name) can feel the hard work involved and the physical exhaustion she feels in her muscles, but she's relieved to see the barracks taking shape and looking like a proper place to rest and recover.

(Name) and Petra were organizing and cleaning the supply room together, and Petra finally broke the silence by speaking up.

She turned to (Name) and said "I wonder if we made a mistake letting Eren joins the Scouts." (Name) added,

"I'm not sure yet, but he seems doing alright. It's just weird having a Titan on our side."

"I know, it's strange, but I can't help feeling like there's something else there that we're missing." Petra said.

"Agreed, he's hard to figure out, but he's clearly not the enemy. Maybe there's more beneath the surface."

Petra and (Name) were working in the supply room, when they overheard Levi talking to Eren in the hallway.

They stepped out into the hallway and found Levi and Eren in a tense confrontation.

Levi was telling Eren a sleeping in the basement, and his words were sharp.

The girls weren't surprised by Levi's sharp words, since that was typical of him to be blunt and cold when communicating with people.

After Levi talks to Eren, he leaves to check if Eren properly cleaned up his assigned area.

(Name) and Petra decide to check on Eren. (Name) apologizes to Eren in Levi's place and explains that Levi can come across as cold or hard, but he really has good intentions.

"I'm sorry captain was so harsh to you earlier. He can be a bit cold sometimes, but he wasn't trying to hurt you. He just doesn't like Titans, and I think he's worried about how you've changed. But I just want to let you know that I'm here for you if you ever want to talk about anything."

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