Beyond the Wall

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(Name) was nervous as she prepared for her first mission as a member of the Survey Corps. They were going to go outside the wall to attack a group of titans that had gotten too close for comfort.

(Name) looked around and saw Levi, who noticed her nervousness and walked over.

Levi spoke calmly to (Name), knowing that she was scared,

"Look (Name), I know you're nervous, but all you have to do is follow our instructions and don't do anything reckless that could get you or us killed, and you'll be fine."

(Name) nodded, still terrified, but trying to hide it.

Levi told (Name) to go meet with Hange, who was in charge of this mission to go outside the wall.

(Name) slowly walked away from Levi, as he waved her off. (Name) got to where Hange was, and she spoke calmly but forcefully to (Name),

"Hello (Name), I will tell you what you will do in the mission, and when you go outside, follow me and do exactly as I say. Got it?" (Name) was scared, but she nodded to Hange.

Hange started to tell (Name) the plans for the mission. (Name) was scared, but she trusted Hange implicitly, and she knew that this was her job and the job of every member of the Survey Corps, and she was now one of them.

(Name) mounted her horse, and looked over at Hange. From the other horses in the survey corps, she heard nervous whispering, everyone was as scared as she was.

But she also knew that she had to be brave, and not let her fear take over. (Name)'s horse started going, and she was scared, but also excited. It was scary out beyond the wall, but it was also exciting, and (Name) was proud that she was now a part of the survey corps.

(Name) was riding on her horse when Hange called out to her, "Halt! We've spotted a small group of titans up ahead. We are going to engage."

(Name) stopped her horse, shaking with fear. She tried to remember what Levi had taught her during training. (Name) was nervous, but she wanted to prove herself in this mission.

Hange and the other soldiers were shocked at how menacing (Name) was in battle, and how easily she dealt with the titans, despite her soft personality. (Name) was a soldier now, and she knew it.

(Name) and the other survey corps had defeated a small group of titans, and they had made it back to the headquarters in one piece.

Hange reported to Levi, telling him of how (Name) had been in the mission. Levi listened intently, and nodded approvingly.

He was impressed with how well (Name) had done in her first mission. Levi also had great confidence in (Name) now, he knew that she would be an excellent soldier and a valuable member of the survey corps.

(Name) and Levi were in the headquarters, and Hange had just finished reporting. Levi looked at (Name) and spoke in his quiet but stern, and firm voice

"(Name), I have heard what happened on your first mission outside the wall..." Levi paused, and (Name) could almost hear his thoughts going through, and she held her breath. Levi began to speak again,

"... you were excellent, your ability far exceeded your training, your courage is commendable. You have done well." (Name) was stunned at the compliment, but also proud, and her confidence had grown.

(Name) spoke to Levi "Captain, I am so grateful and thankful for all that you have done for me. I owe you so much, and you are the reason I was able to accomplish my mission."

Levi nodded silently, he was pleased that (Name) appreciated his help.

He was a man that never let his emotions get out of control, and he kept them to himself. He nodded

"You have potential, and I believe that in time you will become an invaluable member of the survey corps." (Reader) smiled, she was so happy to hear that from Levi.

Levi praised (Name) more for her skills on her first mission outside the wall. (Name) and Levi talked for a few more minutes, and then,

(Name) became so exhausted that she fell asleep. But since (Name)'s room was locked, Levi carried her sleeping form to his room.

Levi quietly walked to his room, making sure that (Name) remained comfortable the whole time.

When they got to his room, Levi laid (Name) down softly, and covered her with a blanket. Levi knew that (Name) needed the rest.

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