Moonlit Confession

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"I-I... huh." Levi is sitting in his room, trying to make sense of the thoughts that are racing through his mind.

A moment ago he had realized that he might have feelings for (Name). Now Levi is left to process what that means and how to proceed.

"Why am I thinking about her so much?" He wonders. "Why is she always on my mind?" He thinks back to the forehead kiss. "Why did I do that?"

That was the moment when he realized and admits his true feelings towards her.

Attempt number 1:(Cleaning for her)
"That should take care of it." Levi feels relieved as he finishes with cleaning (Name)'s bedroom. He waits to see how (Name) will respond.

Will she notice what Levi is trying to do? Or will she be oblivious and think that he is just being nice? Levi is eager to start to show her that he may have feelings for her, but he is still unsure about how to go about it.

Did doing these chores express his feelings enough? Is (Name) starting to get a hint that Levi has feelings for her?

(Name) smiles at Levi and thanks him for doing the chores. Levi is overwhelmed and can't stop thinking about that smile. He smiles back at (Name), but his mind is racing.

Levi is left wondering: "Does that smile mean (Name) has feelings for me too? Or was she just being polite? I have no idea how to tell the difference and it's driving me crazy. Maybe I should bake her a present tomorrow... but that feels a bit too forward."

Attempt number 2: (Baking for her)
Levi was confident but nervous as he was baking for (Name), since making sweets is challenging for him and he knows that (Name) really likes sweets.

He is excited but a bit nervous as he tries his best to make these sweets for (Name). Levi is focusing on the baking, but he was also thinking about (Name).

He is trying his best to make the best sweets he can for (Name), and he wants these sweets to be perfect. This is a key moment for Levi to try to express his feelings toward (Name).

How will (Name) respond to these sweets that Levi has made for her?

So as Levi finishes making the sweets, (Name) was delighted and gave Levi a big hug.

Levi is very flattered by this, but he notices that (Name) doesn't seem to realize what he was trying to do.

Levi started to wonder if (Name) might like him too. Levi will be filled with so many thoughts and emotions as (Name) hugs him and shows her appreciation for the sweets.

"(Name) is so distracted with these sweets that she doesn't seem to notice my feelings toward her. I'm getting so nervous. I've tried baking her sweets, I've given her forehead kisses in her sleep, I've cleaned her room, I've done everything I can think of. And yet she just seems oblivious. Maybe I'll try buying her something nice... no, that's too forward. I don't even know what to buy. Maybe I could... but I don't think she'll get it. What if I... no, that's also too forward."

Levi had enough so even he doesn't want to, he consulted Hange for advice about his situation.

"I-I need your help." Levi says. Levi is usually cold and aggressive towards Levi is embarrassed and reluctant to ask Hange for help, but he is desperate.

Levi is so confused and frustrated about how to express his feelings for (Name), and he needs to find some solution.

Hange laughs her ass off at Levi and Levi turns red with embarrassment. But he manages to hold his composure and ask his question.

"So you see... I have... feelings for... for... her, and I don't know what to do. I've tried everything. And every time I try something, it doesn't work. What should I do now?"

Levi looks at Hange, expecting another round of laughter.
"HA! Levi, you're asking me for help?" Hange says after her laughter dies down.

Then she pauses and gets serious. "Levi... you need to realize that you can't expect this girl to figure out that you have feelings for her on her own. If you want things to happen, YOU have to make it happen. If you want to confess to her, then you can't drop hints or wait for magic. Be bold!" Hange chuckles at herself for saying the word bold.

Levi was skeptical about her advice since it's Hange. However, he got no choice and that was his last shot and he is desperate so he followed her advice.

One night, Levi invited (Name) to a small walk. Levi takes (Name)'s hand in his, and immediately his heart starts racing.

He is both nervous and excited to take this step and hold (Name)'s hand. Levi looks up at (Name), and although her hand is small, Levi feels a rush of warmth spread across his body.

(Name)'s fingers wrap around his own, and Levi can feel her warmth and the softness of her skin. Levi's heart is beating out of his chest now, but he feels alive.

Holding (Name)'s hand is a big step forward for Levi, and he is savoring every second.

Levi and (Name) sit together on the rooftop, hand-in-hand, and gaze upon the moon. (Name) is entranced by the sight of the moon, but Levi is entranced by (Name) herself, as if she is the moon.

(Name) turns to Levi, and upon seeing him staring, she meets his gaze for a long moment. Neither of them want to break their connection, with Levi's heart beating softly and (Name)'s  heart fluttering.

Levi stares right into (Name)'s eyes, lost in their beauty and filled with feelings.

(Name) breaks the silence and remarks to Levi, "If you keep staring like that, I will think that there's feelings rising up in those eyes of yours." Levi is taken aback by this direct comment, and he is uncertain if (Name) is saying she also has feelings for him or not.

He is unsure if he should reply honestly, or if he should say something vague to keep things ambiguous.

"What if there is feelings?" Levi says, looking deeply into her eyes. "What would you do, with these two hands that hold yours now?" He lets his hand linger on her soft and delicate skin, feeling her heart beat.

Then Levi takes a deep breath, and adds, "I would love... with all my heart... to know."

Levi stares deeply into (Name)'s eyes, his heart beating and his lips parted as he waits for her answer.

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