Tea and Care

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(Name) was getting ready for the next expedition with Levi and the other Survey Corps when she started to feel dizzy, lightheaded, and nauseous.

She was feeling sweaty and her body was covered in cold sweats.

(Name)'s eyes started to hurt, and her body felt weak and her head felt like it was going to explode.

Levi heard (Name) gasping for breath, and he raced over to go check up on her. (Name) was pale and looked as if she were about to pass out.

"(Name)?! (Name) are you okay?!" Levi said urgently.

(Name) tried to protest, but Levi was not convinced. Levi knew (Name) enough to know that she was not feeling well.

"No, you're not. You're sick, you need to rest now!" Levi said firmly.

Hange noticed (Name) not feeling well, and she came rushing over to help Levi.

"He's right. The symptoms are clear, (Name) you are sick and need to take some rest!" Hange said quickly.

"But the mission-" (Name) tried to protest, but Levi's expression was firm. "Absolutely no." Levi said.

(Name) tried to protest that she was fine, even as her eyes filled with tears. But as she was speaking, she fainted, her body limp.

Levi caught her just in time, and she was uninjured. He looked at (Name) with concern. "(Name) is sick... very sick," Levi said quickly. Hange agreed.

Hange helped carry (Name) to Levi's room, where Levi put her down on his bed and covered her with a soft blanket.

Levi and the other members of the Survey Corps completed their expedition outside of the wall without (Name), who was staying at the headquarters, sleeping through her illness.

When they returned to the headquarters, Levi and his comrades came rushing over to (Name)'s room to check on her.

Levi entered the room, and saw (Name) still unconscious in his bed. Levi looked at (Name) with concern and went to check on her. (Name) was sleeping peacefully, but Levi knew that she was still sick and that she needed to continue resting.

(Name) woke up slowly, her head hurting, her eyes heavy, and her body was sore.

She was in a nice, soft bed, and she was covered in a warm blanket, like she was back home. She blinked a couple times, and then looked around slightly panicked, wondering where she was.

(Name) slowly remembered everything; the mission, and the sickness, and Levi. Just as (Name) remembered that she was sick, Levi came into the room with a cup of hot tea in his hand.

(Name) sat up slowly, her head spinning and her thoughts still fuzzy. Levi took the seat next to her, and he placed the hot tea down on a small table in front of her.

Levi looked at (Name) with concern. "How are you feeling?" Levi asked politely.

(Name) took a deep breath and thought for a minute before answering honestly. "I'm still not feeling that good..." (Name) said.

Levi nodded, understanding, and gave (Name) a small smile. "Drink the tea, it will help your sickness," Levi said.

(Name) took the cup from Levi's hand gently, and took a sip. The warm tea instantly made her feel better.

(Name) sighed and handed the cup back to Levi.

She felt better now, but she still felt weak and knew that she needed more rest.

(Name) didn't want Levi to leave just yet, so she asked "Levi, where are you going?" Levi paused, but he nodded and explained that he needed to go attend a meeting with Hange.

"Where are you going?" as he turned to go and leave the room. Levi paused and smiled a bit as he saw (Name), and he realized that (Name) was worried about him leaving her.

Levi turned around and gently told (Name), "I'm not going anywhere, okay? I have to go attend a meeting with Hange and our commander. But I will be back before you know it." (Name) nodded, and Levi started to walk out of the room again.

Levi came back as soon as he was done with the meeting, and he brought (Name) a bowl of soup to help her get her strength back.

She took the bowl of soup from him. (Name) was surprised to see that Levi prepared the meal for her, and she thanked him for it.

(Name) began to eat the soup and she could feel her energy returning. Levi felt happy to see Reader feeling better.

(Name) finished her soup, and she felt her energy returning. Levi advised her to try and rest a bit more, as he still thought she needed more sleep.

Levi said that he would do some of his paper work in her room, to make sure that (Name) was doing well. (Name) thanked Levi for the soup and for checking on her, and she began to relax back into her bed.

(Name) was feeling better now, but she knew that she still needed more rest. Levi sat down at a desk in her room, and started to work on his paper work.

While (Name) is sleeping, Levi is working on his paper work. As he worked he occasionally looked up at (Name), who was now peacefully sleeping.

Levi was pleased to see (Name) getting rest. He noticed that (Name) was still a bit hot, and he thought that a warm towel would be nice to help cool her down.

Levi got up, and went to get a warm towel, and used it to wipe (Name)'s forehead.

He then covered her with a blanket, and he returned to his desk to keep working on his paper work.

Levi spent hours working on his paper work and looking out for (Name)'s well being.

He knew that (Name) was still getting over her sickness, but nonetheless he was a bit tired from the hours of work.

Eventually Levi fell asleep on the desk. Some time later, Levi suddenly woke up to find himself covered in a blanket.

He looked over at (Name) who was still laying peacefully in bed, and he realized that she had been the one to cover him with a blanket.

He smiled and felt grateful that (Name) had looked out for him too.

As Levi was about to leave, he leaned down and gave (Name) a small kiss on her forehead before quietly closing the door and leaving the room.

Levi felt a warm feeling in his stomach, and he smiled as he remembered (Name)'s gentle and kind personality.

(Name) stayed asleep, but she could feel the warmth of Levi's kiss on her forehead.

She let out a small smile, even in her sleep, as she remembered how Levi had looked out for her while she was sick.

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