Embracing Comfort

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(Name) had been running a bit late, but she had finally made it to the trial.

It was an interesting day to see, seeing how Commander Erwin and the rest of the Survey Corps would handle this situation with Eren.

(Name) takes in the crowd and the atmosphere of this heated trial, where many members of the Scouts, Military Police were present.

She could feel the tension in the air. Levi's eyes scanned the crowd, and his eyes met (Name)'s and gave her a little smile. 

"As expected, concealing you presence proved impossible. Unless we publicly disclose your existence in one fashion or another, we risk of outbreak of a new, non-Titan threat. It falls on me to decide which regiment should take charge of you." The judge announced.

"Now, let's hear what Military Police proposes." he added.

"I, Nile Dawk, Commander of the Military Police, offer the following proposal. We believe that, after thorough examination of Eren's body, he should be disposed immediately".

(Name)' eyes widen in surprise as she listens to Nile's proposal. She's shocked to hear that the Military Police are suggesting that Eren should be disposed of immediately.

(Name) is stunned by Nile's words, her heart is racing as she processes this turn of events, and she can't help but feel sympathy for Eren in this situation.

She wishes she could do something to help him or giving him a chance at least.

"Next, let's hear Scout Regiment's idea."

"I, Erwin Smith, 13th Commander of Scout Regiment, offer the following proposal. We intend to accept Eren as an official member of Scout Regiment and utilize his ability to retake Wall Maria. That is all".

(Name)'s eyes are glued to Erwin as he speaks, hanging on his every word.

The proposal by Erwin is surprising and surprising to her, but also makes sense.

Using Titan powers to reclaim Wall Maria could be their best chance at retaking their it. But it comes with risks, and (Name) can't help but feel concerned.

She wonders how this might play out, and her thoughts are racing. 

(A/n: So I'm gonna cut some parts, You guys know what happens here)

"Shouldn't we be sealing all the gates now?  The gates are the only part that Colossal Titan can break! (A/n: are you sure?) If we can just reinforce them, we'll never get attack again! We can't put up with any more of your childish heroics!" some old guy ranted. 

"You have a big mouth on you, swine" Levi interrupted. (Name)'s heart drops when she hears the old guy's comment.

She understands the desperation and fear that led to this moment. And she can't help but feel angry at the old guy for his insults towards the Survey Corps.

She knows the battle to retake Wall Maria will be difficult and dangerous, and she feels so worried for her friends and all the soldiers involved, including her boyfriend, Levi.

But she's also impressed at how bravely Levi stands up for himself and the Scouts, and she feels a surge of pride as she watches him confront the old guy.

As the crowd started to argue whether they should keep Eren alive or not, things became more and more heated and chaotic.

Levi suddenly stepped in and kicked Eren, stopping him in his tracks. Also, to prove that him and the Scouts can handle Eren.

(Name)'s heart jumped to her throat as she saw Levi's reaction.

She could hear the anger in Levi's voice when he spoke, and she saw how determined and fierce he was.

(Name) didn't know how to react in this situation, and she felt her emotions swell within her, torn between shock, anger, and concern. 

As the judge weighed both proposals, the tension in the room grew. (Name) and the others watched in anticipation, waiting for the verdict.

When the judge finally decided to approve the Scout's proposal, the whole room erupted with chatter and surprise.

(Name)'s heart raced as she heard Levi's name be mentioned. He would be in charge of keeping Eren under control and using his titan powers.

(Name) walked into the room, following closely behind Levi.

Erwin and Hange were in the room with them, and all of them were gathered around Eren, who was sitting on the bed.

Eren had some bandages around his face and chest. Hange was in the process of examining Eren, checking his wounds and making sure he was doing okay.  

"Eren, I'm so sorry for captain did to you. He only did it to protect you. I know that doesn't make it okay, and I want to apologize on his behalf.

(Name) gives Eren a gentle smile. Let me treat your wounds and make sure you're okay."

"It's all right, (Name) It was an intense moment, thanks for looking after me."

(Name) treated Eren's wounds as Hange and Levi looked on. Levi looked slightly uncomfortable at the sight of (Name) gently touching Eren and caring for him in such a tender way.

He tried to be polite and respectful, but there was a hint of jealousy in his eyes as he saw (Name) and Eren chatting together.

But he didn't want to come across as possessive or to ruin the moment, knowing that she is just a soft and kind person so he kept those feelings to himself and stayed silent.

(Name) and Levi were the last two people left in the room after talking to Eren.

(Name) was still worried about Eren, and she felt her heart pounding inside as she thought about him.

Levi also seemed to be in his own thoughts and was silent. (Name) and Levi then quietly left the room, leaving Eren alone to rest.

After exiting the room, Levi and (Name) walked silently together down a long corridor.

Levi seemed deep in thought, and stayed quiet as they walked. (Name) was relieved to see that Eren was okay now, but she felt worried and uncertain about what to say to Levi.

As they continued walking, Levi suddenly stopped and turned to look at (Name). Levi's face was illuminated by a soft smile, and he stepped towards (Name) with a gentle grace.

With gentle hands, Levi reached out and pulled (Name) close, wrapping his arms around her in a loving embrace.

(Name) knew that Levi was feeling overwhelmed and stressed after everything that had happened that day, and she could tell that he needed a hug, especially after the events of the trial.

"Levi, you can lean on me, you know. It's okay to let out your emotions. Whatever you're feeling right now, you don't have to hide it."

(Name) wanted to reassure him and show that she was there for him, so she willingly gave him the hug with a reassuring smile.

Levi clung to (Name) tightly, soaking up the comfort and warmth of their embrace. "I'm just so tired and stressed after everything that happened today."

"It's okay, love. You can tell me what you're feeling. We're in this together, remember?"

"Thank you, love for being my rest"

(Name) and Levi share the gentle and reassuring embrace together. Levi's mind is quiet and serene, and he finds comfort and peace in (Name)'s hug.

As they stay in their embrace, Levi feels like all of his worries and stress has been lifted from his shoulders.

He feels at ease, knowing that (Name) is there for him and that he can rely on her.

It's a gentle and comforting moment, and both Levi and (Name) savour it in silence.


(Reference to this scene: Season 1, Episode 14)

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