Fight the Wicked, Help the Wounded

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The next day, a party was being held with all your friends, as well as many Asgardians. There would be dancing, many delicious foods and drinks. You hadn't received an invite as you were told, by Odin, that you were required in his throne room at the same time.

You made your way there, passing Thor and Sif among the way. You decided to ignore his attempts of conversation as you reached the door, opening it and seeing Odin on his throne.

"Y/N" he nods. "You're late."
"Odin" you smile. "You've aged."

You slowly walk towards him, not caring much of pushing him over the edge. If he killed you, he killed you. Death was better than another week forced to scrub his already clean boot. You took notice, also, that Frigga wasn't present.


"So, my king, why must I be here today?" You ask him, your hands behind your awfully straightened back.

"It's come to my attention that you're mad at me" he says.
"Well, I see the old man isn't so daft after all" you reply.

"I need you to know that I must do this for my sons sake. He must be focused purely on his duties before he is able to take the throne. You understand. Now-"

"Your sons sake?" You laugh, ignoring the silence as you were nearly on the floor from laughter. "Your sons sake?! Didn't you just lock up your other 'son' that you claim to love as equally as the other? Oh, Odin, you are funny."

"My other son has become a danger to the nine realms. He faked his death, going down to Midgard and holding it hostage."
"Your other 'son' genuinely thought he was going to die, assumed Heimdall would tell us he survived, landed with a guy named Thanos who tortured and mind controlled him and needed you. Yet you sit your ass on that throne with all the power in the world to help him. What do you do? You sentence him to life in the fucking dungeons!"

"Be quiet!" He yells down, bashing his staff onto the floor to silence you. "We fight the wicked, we don't defend it. Now get over here and do your job" he says sternly, gesturing to his shoe.

You smiled. "Yes sir" you smile, taking your cloth and walking towards him. You kneel down, slowly scrubbing his shoe again. However, you were damned if you were going to let him disrespect you again.

"I have fought by your side for a fair few years now. Over 200. I have done everything you ask of me and  never once complained to you about anything. I tried so hard to impress you yet you didn't think twice when you decided to condemn me to be your first hand slave over some rumour Asgards heir the throne won't deny. Trust me, Odin, I have no intentions distracting him from his duties."

"That's enough" Odin starts, but you carry on.

"It's funny how you let Thor take more and more attention yet the son who actually needed it gets nothing but chains. I do believe Thor would make a great king. I just hope the next king would be honest enough to admit to himself if he's one day a shit husband, a shit ruler and sure as fuck a shit father-"

You were cut off as a sudden pain seared its way through your face. You fell backwards as Odin kicked you, bringing your hand to your face and realising your nose was bleeding. You laughed.

"Some king" you snarl.

"I will never scrub that darn shoe again" you hiss back, wiping the blood from your face. "I will refuse to kneel for you ever again. Believe me."

"FRIGGA IS THE ONLY REASON YOU ARE STILL ALIVE!" Odin yelled at you, now standing. You stood too, backing away as he came towards you quickly. "I actually believed she was right when she said I was being too harsh. Now I see I haven't been harsh enough!"

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