Losing Protection

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The next day, you were on your way down to see Loki bright and early. The King had requested your presence, but you knew you were not going to see him right now.

As you turned a corner, Thor was there. He stopped you instantly, grabbing hold of your wrist to he sure you couldn't move.
"Thor, let go" you snap.
"My father requests your presence and for good reason" he tells you.

"Your father can shove his staff up his ass" you respond.
"Janes here" Thor says, making you go quiet. "Somethings wrong with her and he wants you there to see if you know anything about it."

You think for a moment before scoffing. "I don't take orders from Odin anymore" you tell him, going to walk away but he pulls you back again. "Thor!-"
"I want you there" Thor says. "Please, Lady Y/N, I'm asking as a friend."

"Friend?" You laugh. "You have some nerve."

You shove your wrist from his grasp before gesturing for him to lead you to Jane. "Lets go. I'm doing this for Jane, not you."


"What's that?" Jane asks, reaching up in the table she lays on.
"Be still" one of the healers commands her. You stood beside Thor, not daring to glance at him.

"This is not of Earth, what is it?" Thor asks one if the healers beside him.
"We do not know" she responds. "But she will not survive the amount of energy surging within her."

You watch as the healer walks away, not really knowing what to do. Were you supposed to just watch? Thor looked at you, hoping you'd know something. You didn't look back, but you shook your head to let him know you didn't.

"That's a quantum field generator, isn't it?" Jane asks from the table.
"It's a soul forge" the healer responds.
"Does a soul forge transfer molecular energy from one place to another?"
The healer looks down at her, stunned. "Yes..."

Jane smiles, looking over to you and Thor. "Quantum field generator" she nods, looking pleased with herself. Thor smiles sadly at her before being interrupted.

"My words are mere noises to you that you ignore then completely?" Odin's voice booms through the room. You glare at Thor.
"I thought he wanted me here" you say. "He didn't know?!"
"I thought you'd respect his orders. Maybe you should" Thor whispers back, looking up to his father.

"She is ill" Thor tells him.
"She is mortal" Odin responds, dismissing the healers. "Illness is their defining trait."
"I brought her here because we can help her" Thor pleads.

"She does not belong here in Asgard any more than a goat belongs at a banquet table."
"Did he just..." Jane gasps, turning to him. "Who do you think you are?!"
"I am Odin, King of Asgard. Protecter of the nine realms."

"Get on Friggas good side or he'll send you to the axe" you say out loud, glaring daggers into the All Father. He glares back at you but you simply stare on.

"Oh. Well, I'm..."
"I know very well who you are, Jane Foster."
"You told your dad about me?" Jane smiles. Thor ignores her, turning to Odin.

"Something is within her, father. Something I have not seen before" Thor says.
"Her world has their healers. They are called 'doctors'. Let them deal with it."

"Some protector" you chip in, making Odin glare at you.
"Do you have something to say, girl?" He asks you. "Maids don't usually talk unless spoken too."
"Guess I'm an unlucky pick then" you respond.

"Guards, take her back to Midgard" Odin ignores you, waving towards Jane.
The guards made their way towards Jane, instantly alarming Thor.
"No, wait, I would not-!"

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