Ropes, illusions and chaos

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The two of you entered the vault, running quickly down towards the giftsverd. You made it, looking it up and down. It was pure gold, sharper than any blade you had seen. You could see the false beauty as it dripped with poison.

"Now this is my kind of sword" you smile, turning to Loki.
"It certainly is calling your name, darling" he says, stepping forwards and taking the handle gently. He glances to you then back at the sword. "Be careful with it. It's no lie that this is very dangerous."

"Good thing I'm not aiming for myself then" you say, taking it from him and roughly putting it in your hoister. Loki glared at you. "What?"
"I said careful."

"I'm not going to accidentally slice myself when putting it on my back" you tell him. "I'll be fine. I promise."
"You said it yourself. She's dangerous."

"Exactly" you say, walking towards him. "I should be worried about you too. You are in just as much danger as I am. Which is why I have a plan."
"Is it to blow the palace up?"
"No. I might kill the chefs and they're amazing. My plan is that I do all the work and you try to keep your distance."

"No!" He yelled, wielding his daggers. "I'm fighting with you."
"With those tiny blades?" You cocked a brow. Loki frowned.
"They're my daggers."

"Conjure a bigger one!"
"Okay, fine. Lets go before the guards see Melody in the room. Oh, also, we have a kid."

Loki stopped for a moment. "I beg your pardon?"

"She's visiting after Melody's gone. You know the witch I was sent to take care of? Well, I basically adopted her so she'll be visiting often. She knows your alive, don't worry. And she's a good healer-"

"We'll talk after" Loki cuts you off, dragging you towards him. He pulls your lips to his, making you sigh in relief. It had been a few days since you had kissed him. The kiss felt close to a goodbye, but it wasn't. It was a 'just in case.'
"Also, everyone thinks your name is George" you whisper.


You both ran back to the towards the throne room. Loki was slightly ahead of you, stopping suddenly as he turned the corner.
"What is it?" You ask, turning as well.

The throne room door was wide open. No guards, no signs of Melody. Nothing.
"Oh shit!" You say, walking down towards the throne room. "Loki-"
"It's okay. She can't have gone too far" Loki reassures you.

"Looking for me?"

You both turn around, seeing her standing there. She pointed the gun towards you, smirking. "I found your toy."
"Put it down, Melody" you warn. "Trust me, you don't want to pull the trigger."

"Oh, but I do" she grins. "I didn't even know these things existed but to kill you both without having to move more than my finger? I might just go to Midgard to get more. I can't wait to see you both dead on my floor so I can take my crown."

"That's not going to happen" you say, wielding your sword. She laughs.
"You think you can use the giftsverd on me? Y/N, this is embarrassing."


Trust me, Loki.

She aims her gun directly at Loki, glaring at you. "Want to say goodbye?"
"I'm good" you say, making Loki glare at you. "Get over it, Loki."

As Melody pulled the trigger, nothing happened. Her face dropped, attempting to pull it a few more times. Again, and again. "Is it broken?!"
"It isn't loaded!" You laugh. "Oh, Melody, now this is embarrassing."

Even More Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now