Civil War...

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1 year later...

You walked down towards the rainbow bridge, realising that your new gatekeeper wasn't doing his job right again. Wanda was supposed to have arrived an hour ago.

You got there, seeing that he was being called. He was sitting beside a women, talking lowly to her. Once he saw you, his face dropped.
"And... uh, this is my boss-"
"Are you aware that this man had a different women here just last week?"

The women's face dropped, glancing at him. "You did?"
"I think you should leave" you say to the women, who nods instantly and begins to scurry away.

"Why would you do that?!" Skurge frowns. You nod towards the key, making him go silent. "Oh.."
"An hour late, Skurge. It's ridiculous!"
"I'm sorry!" He rushes, sticking the sword into it.

Realistically, you should just hire someone else. However, he's the only one willing to keep the secret that Loki was alive. You had no choice but to keep him. At least he... tried?

Thor and Wanda suddenly appeared, making her grin as she ran to hug you. "Finally!"
"Sorry. Skurge is... sick" you make an excuse, knowing Thor would try to fire him otherwise. "I'm sorry, also, because your father is busy, Thor. You won't be able to see him today."

"It's all good, Lady Y/N" he smiles. "I'm happy to deliver Lady Wanda to you. I must be going anyway. I will see you when I pick up Lady Wanda."
"See you then" you smile.
"Bye Thor!" Wanda calls out.

Wanda in the last year had changed a little. Her accent was slowly dropping and her hair had gotten lighter. You could see it was starting to go red, too. The two of you walked towards the palace and she looked like she was hiding... something.

"Are you okay?" You finally ask, leading her towards the throne room.
"How is training going back on Midgard?"
"Oh- uh, fine."

You nodded silently, walking into the throne room to see Loki tossing his dagger into the air and catching it. Apparently, he had gotten bored the 10 minutes you were gone.

"There they are" he smiles when he sees you two, pulling Wanda into a quick hug. "How are you?"
"I'm fine" she says, glancing towards you. "Before you ask, a lot had happened in a week."
"Is that why you're acting so weird?" You ask, earning a nudge from Loki.

"Okay, wait, do you want the good news of the bad news first?"

You glance at Loki, who shrugs. "Uh.. good news... yeah, good news" you nod to yourself.
"Ok.. well, you know Vision?"
"The robot?" Loki asks, cocking a brow.
"Yes, the robot. Who has feelings."
"Oh god" you sigh.

"Okay, he's not robotic, you know! But we.. kissed" she says. Loki blinked silently.
"You.... Kissed a robot?"

"Yep" she smiles, looking proud of herself.
"Did he kiss back?" You ask.
"Yes" she grins. "We're together."
"Well, that's good!" You smile. "Even if he is a.. well, robot."

"With feelings" she reminds you. "I think I love him."
"And he's definitely got feelings?" Loki asks.
"Yes! I promise!"
"So... can I talk to him?"

Wanda shoots a look towards him. "Well, not anymore."
"Why not?"
"I don't trust you!"
"I'm very trustworthy."
"Okay, what will you say?"

"I'll just ask if he has an off button" Loki says, making you stifle a laugh.
"Loki, don't say that" you tell him off. He looked at you, looking betrayed. "Okay, Loki wouldn't say anything bad. See how things go and if you're still together in a couple of months, we'd love to see him... well, again for me."

Even More Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now