Strongest Avenger

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You quickly ran through the town, trying to lay low as you made your way towards the Quinjet. You knew Thor was already inside. You climbed inside quietly, seeing Thor putting his hand onto it.

"Welcome. Voice activation required."


"Access denied."

"Thor, son of Odin."

"Access denied."

"God of Thunder."

"Access denied."

"Strongest Avenger."

"Access denied."

You walked over, cocking a brow as he carried on making failed attempts.


"Access denied."

"Damn you, Stark" Thor sighs.
"Try Point Break" you say, making Thor jump and turn to you. You shrug as he sighs.

"Point Break."

"Welcome, Point Break."

Thor smiles happily before turning to you.

"You decided to join me then" he smiles.
"No, that is not whats happening" you tell him. "I-"

"FRIENDS STAY!" Hulk smashes the back on the jet, beginning to walk towards the two of you.
"No, no, stop!" Thor yells.

"STAY!" Hulk growls, destroying the entire jet as he stomps towards you both. "DONT GO."
"You're breaking everything!" Thor panics, pressing random buttons. You watch silently, glancing between Thor and Hulk with raised eyebrows.

"Nice work, big guy. We don't know where Ultrons headed, but you're going very high very fast."

You glance over, seeing Natasha's face appear. Hulk seemed to slow down to watch straight away, his face dropping. Yours did a little too. You missed the Avengers. You hadn't seen any of them in two years.

"I need you to turn this bird around, okay? We can't track you in stealth mode.. so I need you to help me out. Okay? I need you too...."

Her face disappeared as Hulk backed away. You and Thor briefly looked at one another as Hulk began roaring and crying around the jet. He kept punching himself in the face, screaming to himself.


He finally fell to the floor, breathing heavily as the green faded. He was back.

"Banner" Thor smiles, heading over to him. You followed quickly. Thor placed a hand on his shoulder, startling him.

"Shh.. sun's going down! Sun's going down!" Thor says, putting his hands out. You cocked an eyebrow at him.
"Again?" You ask but Thor ignores you.

"Thor?" Bruce sighs. "Y/N.."
"Hey" you smile.
"What happened to your hair?" He looks at Thor before turning to you. "And why are you... why do you have war.. paint on your face..."

"Some creepy old man cut it off" Thor tells him, chuckling a little.
"And I.. just did this myself" you answer simply.

"Well, you both look good" Bruce breathes out. "Where are we? Oh, how's Nat?!"
"Nat is good.. I'm sure" Thor nods.
"And what about Sokovia?"

"Sokovia?" You ask.
"The city, Sokovia! Did we save it?!" He asks, making you frown. He really didn't remember.
"Banner.. Sokovia, Ultron, that was two years ago" Thor tells him, making you shove him.

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