In Every Timeline, Multiverse, Until The End Of Time

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The two of you, at first, remained in the room by yourselves so Loki could bandage up the wound on your waist. He had insisted on doing that first.

The entire ship thought you and Loki dead. Thor was in another room alone and Loki instantly dragged you in there. Thor looked in the mirror, smiling lightly when we saw you and Loki appear.

"It suits you" Loki says, gesturing to the eye patch Thor had just put on himself. Thor looks down, picking up a small object and turning to Loki. You backed away, watching.

"Maybe you're not so bad after all, brother."

"Maybe not" Loki smiles.

"Thank you" Thor says. "If you were here, I might even give you a hug," he throws the object, which Loki catches instantly.

"I'm here."

Thor grins, glancing between you and Loki for a moment. He walks towards Loki, who tenses for a moment as Thor wraps his arms around him. He slowly relaxes, however, putting his arms around Thor too.

Loki's head sinks into Thor's shoulder so you slowly back out the room, walking to the lobby where you're instantly met with your people. They all turn to you, as does Autumn, who instantly runs over and hugs you.

"You're alive!" She gasps, hugging you a little tighter. You hug her back.
"I am" you say. "You aren't getting rid or me that easily."

"I'm glad" she smiles, pulling away. "The people want to know where we are going now."
"I don't know yet. I need to discuss that with Loki and Thor but they're.. having a moment."

"Are they fighting again?! Should I be worried?!"

"No, they're hugging-"

"Thor and Loki are hugging?!" Val walks over, looking beyond confused. "Did you mess with their heads?"
"No! They just started hugging so I left the room."

The two girls slowly nod, still looking a little shocked at the whole idea. PeaceTribe were all looking at you for answers.
"They need to hurry it up though" you say. "Also, quick question.. is Francis on this ship?"

"He is..." Autumn responds. "Why?"

"He isn't part of my people" you say, making Autumn smile a little.
"Sometimes you scare me" she says as Val whispers something into her ear. You cock a brow, looking between the two.

"Y/N.. can we-"

"You can go" you say, making the two smile as they quickly slip off into another private room. You sigh. "Gross."

You step down to your people, the lot of them facing you.

"We are currently working on a place to stay," you tell them, putting your hands behind your back. "For now, the ship has enough survival resources for all of us to be fine. We will find you a home in no time. However, I have other matters to attend to. Where is Francis?"

There was a long moment of silence, only frustrating you further.


A man is suddenly pushed forwards. He looks at you, looking a little scared. You tilt your head, walking over and grabbing him.

"You're all dismissed" you say, dragging Francis into the same room Loki and Thor were currently in. The two had been sitting down as talking, turning to you as you throw Francis is the ground.

"Woah!" Thor stands instantly.
"Darling, that are you doing?!"

"Serving justice" you tell them, kicking Francis in the face. "You two can continue talking, I'll only be here for a little bit."
"Who is this?" Thor asks you.

Even More Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now