Chapter 6

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Long story short, Hanabi had had no choice but to walk through this line to get her food before anyone else. She had been very careful to take Mitsuri with her so that she wouldn't starve straight away and sat down at a table a few minutes later.

"I didn't think it would be so easy to get my food." , Mitsuri laughed happily as she shoveled down the food. She probably didn't know manners. "Actually, I wanted to avoid something like that.." Hanabi mumbled and also ate.

"Why? Better for me and my stomach." said Mitsuri with his mouth full. "Not that I want to take advantage of you now." , she added after swallowing.

"I actually want to avoid something like that. It bothered me in middle school." Hanabi explained. "Oh yes, there was something."

"Say Hanabi, I didn't even ask you your last name." , Mitsuri stated and looked at the blonde. "Maybe you don't want to know either." Hanabi admitted. Yes, maybe she really shouldn't. If she knew who she was, Mitsuri knew one hundred percent who her brothers were.

Actually everyone knew who the twins were. After all, they were currently the best volleyball players in the Inarizaki. Just recently the twins had reported to Hanabi how good they were and Atsumu could soon go to the juniors' intensive training. But that training camp wouldn't be until just before the high school tournaments in a few months.

"I'll tell you another time." , Hanabi smiled and looked into an offended face. "Nah good." At that moment, Hanabi tilted her head. Was she really sixteen years old? Didn't seem like that to her right now.

"Ushijima!" some girls suddenly shouted when he got up. At that moment, Hanabi realized that he probably felt the same way as she did. He was of the popular variety. "No time." , he said directly and monotonously before disappearing with some of the other students.

"What was that?" asked Hanabi. "This is Wakatoshi Ushijima. Like all of them, he's on the volleyball team. He also plays in the U19 team. I've also heard that he's very popular with girls. Well, you can't blame them either. He's really good-looking."

Hanabi nodded in understanding and grimaced slightly. So volleyball, then she probably had to avoid these guys. However, she hadn't expected Mitsuri, who wanted to run around outside after class.

The evening was pleasant, so Hanabi didn't waste much thought. Her gaze turned to the sky, thinking about what would happen if it rained again. However, she heard a loud bang, which is why she actually looked into the gym. "Wow, did you see that?" Mitsuri immediately enthused. "No." , it came from Hanabi, who now looked at the games more closely.

Just at that moment, a player shot the ball and it didn't go where it was supposed to but came straight towards Hanabi. "Careful!" a boy shouted immediately, who came running and could just see how Hanabi caught the ball without any problems and held it in her hands.

For a brief moment, she looked at the colored ball before looking at the boy who had shot and started laughing. "Oh, man, that was bad."

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