Chapter 18

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Shortly after breakfast the next morning, Hanabi left the house to go to the hospital. She had tied her scarf even tighter around her neck than the day before. The cool winter wind blew in her face as she made a few small noises. How she simply hated this cold.

The good thing was that the snow didn't stick around for long, so she didn't have to put on thick boots. Nevertheless, she took some photos for her friends to show them how she had spent her winter as a child and what it looked like at home.

She sent some of the photos to Mitsuri straight away, even though she would only look at them later. Immediately afterwards, she even sent some of them to her team to let them know that she had arrived safely and that she was still alive. Some of them gave her the feeling that they were worried about her manager, which was actually quite cute.

When she arrived at the hospital, Hanabi exhaled as soon as she opened the door and found herself at the entrance. A pleasant warmth met her, which made her smile. Yes, she definitely preferred warmth.

"If it isn't Hanabi!" exclaimed a delighted doctor who had just handed in her files at reception. "You look more and more like your mother."

Hanabi smiled gently. "Nice to see you again, too." Hanabi remembered this doctor. Ever since she started doing these examinations, this woman had always been there. As a child, she had been very frightened, which had subsided when this very woman had spoken to her.

"You've come for your annual check-ups, right?" "Yes, you know my mother." Hanabi smiled and received the form, which she already knew by heart and filled out. "As I don't have a patient at the moment, I'll take it over again." "Thank you." came from the girl and she felt a slight nervousness. Why actually? She already knew everything.

Maybe it was because she was slowly becoming a real woman and could have children with the right person. Was that why she was nervous, out of fear that she wouldn't be able to have children?

A short time later, Hanabi had given some samples and was now lying on the couch to have the ultrasound images taken. "Do you have a boyfriend?" the doctor asked curiously. "No, but... there's a boy who I think I like." Hanabi said and no longer felt any fear at all. This doctor really was the best.

"Good to hear. As far as I can see, there's nothing wrong with your uterus." the woman grinned, causing Hanabi to blush. "He's not..." "Maybe Hanabi is after all. That's why I say this part is fine." Had she colluded with her mother or what was going on?

"Then we just have to..." the doctor started talking. "Yes, this tube that makes noises..." The woman looked at Hanabi with a laugh. "You still don't like this part." "No..." the blonde mumbled, sat up and exhaled.

"But I can assure you that everything is fine Hanabi. You've never had anything abnormal before, apart from this bad flu." The doctor promised and left the room with the sixteen-year-old.

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