Chapter 23

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After Hanabi had taken her drawing pad to her room and changed briefly, she finally ran out of the girls' building with Wakatoshi and was already being looked at quizzically by the others. Had no one ever seen a boy politely waiting right away?

"So, where do you want to go with me?" Hanabi wanted to know when Wakatoshi stopped at the bus stop and just waited. "You'll see."

Hanabi puffed out her cheeks briefly. "If you want to do something with me, you should talk a little more and in more detail."

Wakatoshi just looked at the blonde girl silently before he looked back down at the street and could see the bus. "No need." "You still have a lot to learn, Ushijima." Hanabi spoke with purpose and finally got on the bus with him. "Wakatoshi..." "I know, it was on purpose." , she grinned and quickly realized that she hadn't even noticed it herself. Really very awkward, this boy.

On the bench, Hanabi looked at the area and had to admit that she hadn't really seen much of Miyagi Prefecture. What was the point? She mostly stayed at school, which she should change. Even if there was a chance of a cure, she had to try everything she could. You never knew what might happen.

Hanabi had placed her small backpack on her lap, which she held lightly with her fingers. To be on the safe side, she had taken the medication with her, which she hoped she wouldn't need. Well, it was almost noon so she had to take a pill anyway.

During the whole ride, there was silence between the students, with Wakatoshi glancing at her every now and then. Her behavior was different from the day he had first seen and met Hanabi. She was calmer and thought carefully about what she was saying. Maybe she was more like Osamu after all, but he also missed her other side. She was simply a mixture of her brothers, which was why he knew that something was wrong.

No human could change so quickly. Not even Hanabi, who had been away for almost two weeks.

When they arrived at the right stop, they both got off the bus. The area was a little warmer, which Hanabi quickly noticed as she sighed contentedly. From then on, Wakatoshi knew that Hanabi preferred the warmth. "Follow me." , the boy said and ran ahead.

Hanabi felt nervous at that moment. Was this actually a date? Or did he just want to be nice and get to know her? Somehow she couldn't make heads or tails of his behavior.

Only after a few minutes, during which Hanabi had looked at a few buildings and finally walked into Wakatoshi, did she look up and recognize a large hall. "We're not going to a volleyball match now, are we?" she asked. "No." was all he said and opened the front door.

Just as Hanabi crossed the threshold and saw what was inside, her eyes began to gleam and a big smile appeared on her face.

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