Chapter 30

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The remaining days were pretty uneventful. The first-year students' training camp was over after a week and Hanabi had watched them train from time to time. Hinata had rather taken over their tasks, which he didn't seem to mind. Apparently, he had taken the opportunity to learn something from the players.

Nevertheless, Hanabi had mostly locked herself in her room and continued to paint her large picture. If she worked on it a little every day, she would surely finish it soon.

The only question for her was who she should give it to. Of course it would be for all her friends, but there would only be one picture of it. Well, a copy could be made, but for her it was about the original picture. So Hanabi had something to do until Wakatoshi picked her up to go to the national games.

The two halls where the games were taking place could be seen from afar. While there was only one pitch in one hall, there were two or three pitches in the second. However, as there were too many people, Hanabi couldn't see where her brothers were playing on any of the signs.

"They're in the single hall." said Wakatoshi, who towered over several people, for which Hanabi was grateful. "Good, I've got you with me." she smiled, grabbed his hand and ran off. The moment she took his large hand in hers, hers twitched briefly from the warmth. When Wakatoshi noticed this, he put his hand a little tighter around her smaller one to warm it up. Her skin was even cooler than last time.

Arriving in the smaller hall, Hanabi could already hear a loud noise. Drums and various instruments rang in her ears, so she had to cover her ears for a moment. These fans really were far too loud.

She could also hear the screaming around her and could see for a few moments who was causing it. It was none other than Atsumu Miya, who had the serve and was standing just behind the line, while Osamu was already ready in front of the net.

Her green eyes were focused on the spectacle happening in front of her. Her brothers were still very popular and had taken their whole school with them. The Karasuno school, on the other hand, was barely audible.

Wakatoshi was also fascinated by this moment. He had never seen the Miya twins play live before. Thanks to Hanabi, he had the chance to learn something from them himself without Hanabi having to teach him anything.

As if of her own accord, Hanabi stood at the front of the court, looking intently at her eldest brother. He had narrowed his eyes slightly as the music continued to play and slowly raised his hand, which he had clenched into a fist. And just then, the music suddenly stopped, which is why Hanabi was simply fascinated by it.

So Atsumu had that much influence? Was it the same with Osamu?

Her hands gripped the railing as Atsumu took a swing at the serve and smashed the ball over. At that moment, Hanabi felt the excitement she had always felt during her games.

Although the two of them had taken her joy away, she was incredibly proud of her brothers. It had been the right decision for them to go to the Inarizaki, to become even more mature and stronger there. Hanabi was proud of them for getting this far without her.

Just as Osamu had scored a point as a setter and yelled at Atsumu for something, Hanabi couldn't help but open her mouth and cheer her brothers on.

"Keep it up!"

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