Chapter 35

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A little later, the two of them had actually found a few stores where they could buy something. Well, Mitsuri had found everything she wanted, while Hanabi had come away empty-handed. However, she had found something but said that she didn't like it, which was a big lie.

Hanabi simply didn't want to buy anything at the moment that she might never need again. No one could tell her that the operation would end well, not even the doctors. So the blonde had simply looked for a present for Tendou, which was really very easy.

She had found a thick book of desserts in a bookshop that was a little out of the way. Even though it was mostly Japanese sweets, she had thought that it might help him. Perhaps he could use it for these recipes thanks to the new experience he would gain.

Mitsuri had also liked the idea and had bought him some baking utensils in another store, which she had packed up to give to him before he left. However, the black-haired girl had no idea whether she should give Wakatoshi a present.

He always sat next to Tendou and sometimes took part in the conversations. But he hadn't spoken to her much so far. Maybe it was because Mitsuri could be quite pushy and didn't behave like a typical girl. Hanabi had said this several times when they had eaten together and she had spoken with her mouth full.

"What does Wakatoshi like?" Mitsuri wanted to know as the two of them walked around outside again. "Volleyball." came from Hanabi and she heard a laugh. "I mean other than volleyball."

"To be honest, I don't really know. He just took me to the art gallery and I think he listened to me. I'm afraid I can't tell you what else he likes." Hanabi explained and thought a little himself. "Why don't you just give him a volleyball or something to do with sport? I guess he'll be grateful if he just gets something simple."

"Nah good." Mitsuri smiled and ran forward a little. Sometimes Hanabi really wondered if Mitsuri wasn't ingesting something to get that energy. Or maybe it was because she was slowing down herself.

At that moment, Hanabi slowly realized it. Her body was reluctant to continue. Her heart raced as her chest began to ache and she slowly stopped breathing.

With trembling hands, Hanabi gripped her top to somehow dull the pain. But nothing would help her right now.

The blonde blinked several times as her vision blurred and she could barely stand. Tears flowed from her eyes as if of their own accord as she slowly opened her mouth. "M..Mitsuri...," Hanabi spoke, causing the black-haired girl to stop and look back, her eyes widening. "Hanabi! Is everything all right? Why are you crying!"

More tears streamed down her cheek as she began to sob. "I'm...I'm...sorry..." Hanabi managed to say. "What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything." Mitsuri said with a smile and ran towards her best friend.

"" Hanabi cried, before she began to sway and her strength waned and she toppled forward. Mitsuri barely managed to catch her body, which was radiating pure cold.

Panic broke out in Mitsuri as she held Hanabi tightly in her arms. "Hanabi! What's going on?! You..." Mitsuri stopped as she looked around in tears. "Please! I need an ambulance!"

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