[1] Flashback

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I looked surprisingly at my apparent whiskers. I wanted to scream but all I could do was squeak. My mother picked me up and smiled.

"Look Andrew she does have powers." Mum said.

"But Winnie she's a mouse. What if that's all she can do?" Dad said.

"Well I'm sure that's not all she can do. What if she's a shifter? She could be I mean I know this is pretty small but she's only two so maybe she can only turn into small things." Mum finished.

"Maybe you're right, I mean Nala, Chris and Isaiah all had smaller powers when they were babies. Chris could only move a lightbulb light. And Isaiah could only run from the table to upstairs in three seconds. Nala could only move water." Dad said. I squeaked again. But I was meaning to say, I want to be human again!

"Okay. I think she wants to change back. Sweetie just think of what you want to be and then that's what you'll be." Dad said. I nodded. Mum set me down and I thought of myself as a human and boom! There I was again in my pink polka dot dress again. Mum picked me up again and hugged me.

"Oh we've got to tell the kids!" Mum ran upstairs to the nursery. " Nala, Chris Isaiah! Ella found her power!" Mum yelled. I was five, Nala was nine, Chris was eight, and Isaiah was six.

"Really Mummy? What is it?" Nala rushed up to Mum with her bright blue eyes.

"She is a shifter." Mum said and set me down. I waddled over to Isaiah where he was trying to put together a puzzle with Chris. Me, being my five year old self picked up one of the pieces and started gnawing on it. Chris picked the piece out of my hand gently and put it back.

"No, Elle we don't chew on puzzle pieces." He smiled. He's always protected me. No matter if it was a chance of choking or falling down he was always there.

"But I want to chew." I said and picked up another piece and threw it.

"Ellie, no! I been working on this!" Isaiah yelled with a small lisp. I started to cry. I didn't like it when people yelled at me. Isaiah sighed. He was always a lot smarter than the other kids his age. Mum picked me up and took Nala's hand since she seemed to be the only one interested in my powers.

"What's a shifter, Mummy?" She asked.

"They can turn into any animal they think of, even mythical ones. But that takes awhile to learn." Mum explained. Nala nodded. "She's going to be a wonderful one I bet." Mum kissed my cheek and smiled.

"Mum." I replied. "Nala." I pointed out. They both smiled.

*End of Flashback*

"Eleanor Faith! Get your butt down stairs now!" Mum yelled up the stairs. Her Australian accent rang through my bedroom. I trudged out if bed and ran to my closet. I picked out a ruffled blue skirt with a white spaghetti strap tank top and my black jacket paired with my black ankle converse. I ran a brush through my blonde hair. Then ran down stairs taking two at a time. Isaiah and Chris were already up but I bet Nala was still asleep at her desk. I took an apple from the fruit bowl and yanked open the front door. The fresh Montana air bit my nose. It was the first day of school.

"Wait for me!" Isaiah yelled.

"Is, you've got speed powers you could get to the bus stop in two seconds." I retorted.

"Yeah, but so have you. You could turn into a cheetah and beat me by half a second." He said appearing next to me. I rolled my eyes. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him down the street.

"It wouldn't be wise to turn into a cheetah, one because they can't take the cold weather, two we aren't allowed to use our powers while others can see, and three people could see and what would they think of a cheetah in Montana?" I said crossings arms. The bus rounded the corner. Isaiah just shrugged.

"Yeah, yeah smarty pants." He smirked.

"Shut up." I shoved him over and hopped up the bus stairs. The bus driver grunted a response from my hello. I ran to the back where Theresa had her nose stuck in a magazine.

"Did you know that Robert Pattinson doesn't shower on a regular basis?" She said looking up at me absolutely horrified.

"Yes, I did actually, and plenty of actors and actresses don't take showers regularly. But it's a European thing." I scrunched my nose.

"As in, Australian European?" She smiled.

"Ugh no. We shower." I said in disgust.

A fimiliar smell of cedar wood and lilac whisked by. Jack Richards. He sat down with all of his other soccer friends, smiling. What I wouldn't give to have the courage to talk to him. Theresa snickered.

"I'm sorry what was that?" I whipped around. She knows I hate it if she makes fun of my crush on Jack.

"Oh, nothing it was a cough." She said timidly. I nodded.

"I thought so." I glowered at her. I looked back at where Jack sat down. His smile was intoxicating. I sighed and turned back around. It was never going to happen anyway why should I even try to daydream about it. He was the shy, nerdy soccer player. And I was the geeky wallflower that barely anyone notices except for my best friends and brothers. Isaiah lives for annoying me and Theresa and Chris is the brooding protective older brother.

"Elle? Are you listening to me?" She asked. I nodded.

"Ok, so the magazine says that people with-" I interrupted her.

"Let me stop you right there. I don't want to hear what the magazine said. You know I don't believe whatever crap they put in there." I said and snatched it from her hands.

"Hey!" She tried reaching for it but I had already tossed it to Spencer. Our other best friend. He grabbed it and hid it in his bag. Theresa huffed and crossed her arms as she pouted. I laughed at her expression. The bus stopped and I was pushed up to the front by Spencer.

"Quit it!" I laughed and tried pushing him away.

"Go faster!" He pushed me down the stairs. I rolled my eyes. Theresa caught up to us but she was still pouting.

"Did Terri get her toy taken away?" Spence smiled.

"Don't call me that." She snapped. "And give me my magazine back I got that yesterday." She grabbed it from Spence's hands.

"What about Resa?" He asked. She glared at him. I laughed.

"You think this is funny, Len?" She looked at me. That wiped the smile off my face.

"Don't call me that." I mimicked Theresa. She smiled.

"Ok quit it your nicknames are back to Elle or Ellie or Ella and Ther. Happy?" Spencer slung his arm over my shoulder. We smiled.

"Yup." We both said. I opened my locker easily. I grabbed my book for history and for English. Which are my first two classes. And also my favourite subjects. Jack's locker is four down from mine. Ugh he's so close and yet I haven't said anything to him other than 'Can I borrow a pencil?' and 'Excuse me' and 'Bless you'. Nine words! Nine! I watched him stride through the crowd and wave to his friends. He ran a hand through his mussed untamed black hair. We've had almost every class together since sixth grade and yet he still doesn't talk to me or even notice me. What will it take? I yell to the heavens in my head.

"What will what take?" Theresa says leaning on the locker beside mine. Oops, I guess I didn't say it in my head.

"Nothing. Lets get to class." I say and pull her down the hallway. She links her arm in mine and I take one last glance at Jack before we round the corner.

Hi! I'm sorry! I know that was short I just couldn't think of anything else to add. I just came up with Len it isn't really a nickname. Okay so I have to go now but I will update next week because I have stuff to do an people to meet. Ok byesies my lovelies!

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