[2] Yarn

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I sleepily rubbed my eyes and rolled over which resulted in me laying on the floor. I groaned and held my stomach as I inched my way to where my new outfit was laid out. Theresa put it there so I didn't have the excuse of 'forgetting about it'.

"Ella! Hurry up or you're going to he late!" Mum yelled from the kitchen. I love our house but the way it reverberates Mums voice through its high ceilings is a bit terrifying.

"Coming!" I yelled. I ran into Chris who was still in his usual pj attire. Sweatpants and a worn out T-shirt.

"Watch it." He grumbled. Chris is not a morning person. He was once so grumpy that he shoved Isaiah off of his stool because he was too 'tired' to pull up another one. I rolled my eyes and ran ahead of him. Isaiah was hunched over a text book. I'm guessing he didn't finish his homework and was scrambling to get it finished. I smirked at his work because most of it was wrong. He had an intense look on his face like someone had just asked him to perform surgery on the president. I snickered at my joke. He looked at me for a small second but then returned to his work. I snatched a piece of bacon off of his plate.

"Hey! That was mine. You could've asked." He pouted.

"Sorry. You gonna eat that?" I asked a little too late. Chris came up behind him and grabbed another piece.

"Hey! Is it Steal-from-Isaiah-day and nobody told me?" He growled.

"Quit it, Is, you're not a dog." Mum snapped and popped her head around the corner.

"Yeah, Isaiah you're not a dog." I mocked.

"Eleanor." Mum warned.

"Well he's not! I can be one though." I said. I thought of a German Shepard and suddenly I was panting and had fur. I always pick the smart dogs to transform into. It's really hard to think like a human when you're a chihuahua. Chris started petting my head. I nuzzled his hand as soon as he stopped. He laughed and scratched my ears. I thought of a human again and boom I was in my outfit again.

"Isaiah, Elle stop messing around the bus will be here in two minutes." Mum called to us.

"Hop on." Isaiah motioned to his back. We've done this plenty of times just so we wouldn't miss the bus. I've gotten used to the cold air and how fast he goes. Let me explain. Ok, so my older sister Nala has power over the elements. Chris can move light, and Isaiah has speed. I can transform into any animal I think of. There, now there is no confusion. Spence and Theresa know about us but no one else. We can't tell people or we'll become science experiments. I know that sounds cheesy but its true. Oh! My parents have powers too. My mum has the powers of moving inanimate objects. So she can't move humans or pets or anything that has a heart. My dad has the power (bear with me I know this is very much used but in our world it's not very common) to read minds. In our world it's mostly the men that get the power of extended physical ability. It was a shock when Chris got the power over light. My uncle has strength and my grandpa also has speed.
But at least all of us are special in out own ways.


"Miss McCartney! Can you give us the answer to this equation?" Mrs. Hudson snapped. I gave her the answer and she looked a little upset that I didn't get it wrong. Gosh, I freaking hate her.

"Psst! Eleanor!" A voice whispered. I looked over to see that it was Jack. I wasn't used to hearing him speak.

"Y-yeah?" I stuttered.

"Could you help me with number seven?" He smiled. This is also why I like Jack. He doesn't ask for the answer he asks for help so that he can understand the process to the answer as well.

"S-sure." I stuttered again. I have to stop doing that. I leaned over and explained the process of the theorem to him and out of the corner of my eye I could tell he kept looking up at me. I finished explaining and leaned back into my chair. Jack smiled and finished the rest of the homework. I had finished ten minutes ago which resulted in me daydreaming about how many kids I wanted. I love math but I'm not a complete geek. I love books but I'm not a nerd but I might be a book worm. I've always been average if you take away
my physical ability and my GPA. I'm smart and stuff but its not like I love school. I hate most of the teachers here except for my English teacher. He's really funny and relaxed. I used to have a bit of a crush on him before he became my teacher but it passed. Jack is more interesting.

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