[6] Getting to Know Each Other

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Jack and I were currently sectioned off in the library working on our project.

"Okay do you think we should add in another subject?" He asks. "I mean, we have the three expectations Pip has but don't you think we should add something else?" He asks. Our project was doing a newspaper article on Pip's expectations from Great Expectations. I mean it wasn't everyone's project it was our decision. The assignment was to do something creative to show Pip's expectations. We picked a newspaper.

"No, not really. I don't really know what you want to add, though, what else is there?" I ask. He smiles then looks back down at our work.

"You know what never mind let's just continue on from here." He suggests. He gives me a weird look but yet a good one.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Nothing. I just find your accent interesting. I've never heard an Australian accent until I met you. It's really strange but in a good way." He explains. I scoff.

"It's not really interesting. There's only to two kinds of accents in Australia, the southern and the northern. I think it's interesting that America has so many accents in one country. There's the Boston accent, the New Jersey accent, and the New York accent which are the northern accents. But they're all different. There's also the Texan, Oklahoman, the Alabaman, the New Orleans and the Tennessee accent which are all the main southern accents." He smiled at my enthusiasm. "There's also the north western accents which consist of Chicago, Minnesota, and also Ohio." I say. "People here and Washington, and California don't have an accent though do they?" I ask honestly.

"No we don't." He answers. "Okay so the project." He says and scoots his chair a little away from me. We had leaned a lot closer then I had noticed as we were talking. I clear my throat and start on the rough draft.


"Oh. My. Gosh!" Theresa exclaims as I tell her what happened in the library. "You had leaned closer and you didn't kiss him...why?" She says.

"Because it would've made things awkward between afterwards even if he did kiss me back." I say.

"You kissed someone?!" Spence butted in. He had gone to get food.

"No. Ther was just hinting that I should." I explained. Spence looked disappointed.

"It'll happen one day." He pushed.

"And how would that happen. The only time he's ever going to notice me is during this project." I scoff.

"That's not true. He's really nice to you and him being shy is a really good achievement." Theresa encourages. I let it go but Teresa sighs in defeat.

"Well maybe-" I cut her off.

"Just drop it and watch the damn movie, Ther." I said annoyed. I hate it when they push this. She looks toward the TV the rest of the time because she knows when I'm fed up that I curse. And I never curse. Spence presses his lips together annoyed at both of us.

"You know what you guys' problem is?" He continues before we have a chance to answer. "Theresa pushes too hard and Elle you don't push hard enough. You avoid the topic every time it gets too personal. Just talking about it is fine but when something actually happens that scares you and you're going to have to fix that unless you never actually want a relationship with Jack." He sits back happy with his speech but still annoyed at us. I look to Theresa, still annoyed, and then look back to the TV. I didn't care if Spencer was right. I didn't have to confront that problem right away. It's not like Jack asked me out on a date.

[Theresa's POV]
I'm pushed down in the hallway again.

"Are you blind or something? I was standing right there!" I yell back at the person who pushed me. Adrian had seen me coming and when the guy pushed me down he was about to hurt him but stopped when I started yelling at him. "Do that again and you'll need your balls surgically removed!" I yell. He scurried off, terrified of me. Ha. He had no idea what else I could have said.

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