[8] Because I Said So

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I had told Theresa what happened at the dinner and she gasped so many times. She chided me for yelling at Jack's mom but when I told her I was standing up for myself and the waitress she calmed down. Of course I had to retell the whole story when Spence came back into the room. I need to start learning to tell stories when both of them are in the room. Spence laughed when I said I yelled at her but when I said I really only confronted her he was disappointed.

"You should have thrown a fit or something." He pouted.

"I don't exactly want to be an Internet sensation, though. And even though Jack was really cool about the whole thing. I don't think he would have been if I had really started yelling." I say denying the fact of throwing a fit.

"I think he likes you even more for not flaunting yourself while telling her off." Theresa smiles. I grin.

"I don't think he like-likes me though. He may like me as a friend but he never hints at anything more than that." I says Theresa slumps down disappointedly. She can't exactly slump though because her stomach is getting in the way. It's getting to the stage where she can't just wear T-shirts and nobody notice. It about to be where she can't hide it at all. She's already five months along.

"When do you find out the gender?" I ask.

"Um we haven't decided whether we want to know." She says as she rubs her stomach lovingly. She may hate the situation she was put in but she says she won't hate the baby it was only
formed because of her mistake.

"I think you should find out. At least for this kid." I say. She nods.

"I'll tell Adrian tomorrow." She says looking down at her stomach.

"Tell me what tomorrow?" Adrian waltzes into Spencer's room casually.

"What are you doing here?" She asks.

"Well I'm glad to know that I'm appreciated. Spence invited me over if you must know." He says jokingly. "So what am I supposed to know tomorrow?" He asks.

"I think we should find out the gender of the baby." She says.

"Of course. Whatever makes you happy, kitten." He smiles. Although sometimes I hate their lovey-doveyness. Adrian is really sweet to Theresa. They've only ever had two fights in their entire relationship. One was about whether they should share fries or not and the other one was about Theresa inviting him to her reunion when he didn't want to go. He ended up going anyway because her family reunions are really important to her and she wanted her family to know Adrian.

"Do you want me to set up an appointment?" He asks.

"No I'll have my mom do it and call you to tell you what time it is." She says.

"Can I come, too?" I ask.

"Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way." She smiles and has Adrian's help getting herself off the bed.


Theresa calls me an hour later saying that the appointment is tomorrow at one. Her mom will pull me out of class so I can go too. I head downstairs for dinner. Once I reach the dining room my mom is setting out plates so I for the silverware.

"Have you washed your hands?" She asks.

"Yes, mother." I respond.

"And your homework?" She asks.

"Yes, mother." I answer.

"And the dishes?" She questions.

"Yes, and I cleaned my room, and I got gas in your car." I finished. She smiles.

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