[7] The Dinner

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{One month later}
Theresa was growing and she was growing fast. She was now four months and three weeks and there was a visible bump on her normally flat stomach. She had been quiet all day and I could tell that it was upsetting her. It was the beginning of December and the dinner was this weekend. We bought the red velvet dress and I was wearing the sandals. Jack looked more excited each week but when I asked him about why the dinner was being held he avoided the subject. I'm guessing it was something to do with his parents.

"How did you not notice that your stomach had an obvious bump at six weeks?" Spence asked Theresa. She stiffens at this question.

"I-I sort of did know but I didn't want to believe it a-and I actually started to believe that it wasn't true but then I decided to take a test and it came out positive." She stutters on a couple words from nervousness.

"Spence don't bring it up again." I snapped. His normally laid back smile turned into a frown. He glared at his food. I was the only one eating this time. Theresa hasn't picked up one plate. She had her hand set over her stomach.

"Hey, kitten." Adrian sat down next to Theresa. She didn't say anything. "What's wrong with her?" He said worriedly.

"Well lets see what has been wrong with her the last couple months....oh yeah! She pregnant." Spence snaps.

"Spencer Avery Mitchell! Don't bark at Adrian he did nothing wrong." I say his full name.

"Yeah he technically did since he got her pregnant." He says.

"Okay we get it! I'm pregnant and that's mine and Adrian's fault but I don't think we need to establish that anymore!" Theresa speaks out. She yells but not loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear.

"Ther, I know this is hard for you but you have to know we only want to help." I try to calm her down.

"No you don't know how hard it is! You don't have another person living inside you that needs to be healthy and needs to be fed just as much as you do!" She yells again. I sigh knowing not to push her any further.

"Hey, Elle." Jack pops up behind me. I smile. He standing nervously so I take that as he wants to talk to me alone.
I lead him outside the doors of the cafeteria.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Um, I was wondering if we could hang out on Friday." He says.

"Sure." I answer simply. He breathes out, relieved. "Where? Should I drive over to your house?" I ask.

"No." He answers immediately. "I mean could we hang out at your house?" He asks.

I nod.

"We could have a marathon of Under A Cloud of Grey. If you want to, I mean." He says referring to the cop show that I am absolutely addicted to.

"You like that show too?" I ask excitedly.

"Yeah. I mean it really draws you in." He smiles. "I'll see you Friday." He turns and walks the opposite way. When he's out of sight I let out a squeal. I am going to hang out with Jack Richards.


I put on my blue yoga pants with my grey tank top paired with my black sweat shirt that said Redwood Eagles and I slipped on my mismatching socks. That's my thing that I've done since I was thirteen I don't know why I just don't like matching socks. The door bell rang a couple minutes later after I got out the first season which was only on DVD. I rush to the door as soon as I hear the first ring. I open the door to see a smiling Jack. I ushered him in.

"So I have the first season set up and then we can watch the recorded episodes of the other seasons." I explain. We sit down and get through season one easily. We joke about how different the characters look from now. I forgot I didn't have the third season recorded so we skipped ahead to the fourth season. We were on the fifth episode when I noticed something.

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