"You're what?" I asked. She broke into tears again.
"Please d-don't m-make me say it again. I can b-barely process it myself." She sobbed.
"Does Adrian know? Wait of coarse he doesn't he was asking about you earlier. Do your parents know?" I asked. She nodded.
"That's why I was late today. I was getting the courage to tell them because I knew they were both off work today. But when I gathered them in the living room and started to tell them I just burst into tears. My mom tried comforting me but that just made me cry harder. Then when my dad started asking what was wrong I just blurted it out. And at first they were shocked like you guys are but my dad didn't get mad. My mom just said that her aunt got pregnant at sixteen and she was shunned from the family forever. She said that we already lost Aria and she didn't want to lose me. Aria needs me when she gets back so my mom said that she was okay even though it wasn't what she had planned. My dad nodded and told me some story almost like moms except he said it was his best friends girlfriend in high school. His friend broke up with her and she was bullied and dropped out. He said that that wasn't going to happen to his little girl." She finished. The bells rang and students poured out of the classrooms.
"We'd better go before we get in trouble." I said and rubbed Theresa's back as she hung her head. Adrian spotted Theresa and rushed over to us.
"Boyfriend alert, three o'clock." I said. Adrian's stopped in his trams when he saw the train wreck that was Theresa.
"Kitten what happened?" He said.
Theresa looked to me for help."Tell him." I encouraged her.
"Tell me what?" He said, confused.
"I'm pregnant." She announced. Adrian's face fell slack and all the blood drained from his face as it did mine.
"It's mine?" He asked pointing to himself.
"Of course it's yours. Remember in July at your mom's birthday party?" She suggested.
"Oh yeah." He said numbly. "So it's twelve weeks?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm pretty sure. My mom set up an appointment next Tuesday." She said. Her eyes were a million miles away. Probably wishing her sister were here. Speaking of Aria she's going to get a surprise.
"So what are you going to do with it? Give it up, keep it, abortion..." Spencer suggested. I smacked him on the arm.
"Spencer! Abortion is wrong and you know it!" I hit him upside the head. He put up his hands in surrender.
"I'm going to give it up but when I do I'm going to write a letter to him or her and give it to the nurse to give to their further parents. And when he or she is old enough they can read it and hopefully understand the situation I was in. Well that I am in now but I won't be in the future." She concluded. Adrian pulled her in for a hug.
"I'm so sorry, kitten." He started to cry.
"It's okay. I didn't get thrown out of my house or anything but one thing is that you might want to steer clear of my dad for a while. He may not be mad at me but boy was he pissed at you." She whistled. Spence slapped him on the back.
"You are doomed." He smiled.
"Thanks for that positive reinforcement, bro." Adrian rolled his eyes.
"No problem. Okay shouldn't we get to class we've already missed fourth hour and half of fifth hour." Spencer said.
"Nah, lets just hide in the bathrooms for the rest of the day." Theresa said and started dragging me down the freshman hallway. I shrugged.

أدب المراهقين"I know what you are." He says hesitantly. "I don't know what you're talking about." I said. But I was shaking and he could tell I was nervous. "I think you do. And all I want is for you to be honest." **** Eleanor McCartney is a normal sixteen year...