Chapter 5: Border of the Hermit Kingdom

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"This is a crazy idea; I can't believe the director approved it." Miyuki said.

"Calm down Miyuki." Eren said. "It's a small recon."

Eren got his bags from the airport terminal, which were just two medium sized backpacks that he and Miyuki used. Eren and Miyuki were both dressed in jeans and collared shirts to more blend in with the locals. Though, in terms of looks, Eren could not blend in at all.

Eren and Miyuki landed in the Beijing International Airport in China, intent on heading to the Japanese Embassy to prepare for the mission. Eren submitted the information to the director in order to follow up on a potential border crossing between China and North Korea.

Unfortunately, due to the poor relationship between China and Japan, they were unable to get approval from the Chinese Government to allow for their recon.

Eren managed to convince the director to approve of the clandestine assignment because of what satellite imagery showed of the Chinese/Korean border. It was still fresh, at least a few weeks old, but there was odd evidence in the area.

Imagery showed what looks to be the site of some intense fighting in the city of Manpo, located in the Chagang province of North Korea. It was a city that sat right on the border of China and North Korea and would be one of the ways you would smuggle people in and out of the country.

The image quality was poor, so there was no way of telling exactly what happened, but there was evidence of what looked like a fight. Of course, Japan didn't want to tell China they were looking within their borders and China and North Korea refused to even mention the attack.

Eren justified this operation since if whoever did this damage managed to sneak into Japan, they had to find him.

"So, the imagery showed a lot of damage." Miyuki said. "Do you think it was organized?"

"No idea." Eren said. "We won't fully know until we see."

"Yea, it could be another guy like you." Miyuki joked. "A one man army."

Eren hoped that wasn't the case. He was just a man when he fought the Yakuza, a Titan would be a serious threat.

While this world was more advanced than his own, a single Titan would cause untold damage. Sure, the weapons of this world could easily kill a Titan, but since they never saw it and would never know the weakness was in the nape, killing a Titan was more down to luck than strategy.

Plus, it depended on if they could find the threat. If a Titan appeared in a city, it would take hours to actually have the Military arrive to react. Without knowing about the transformation, a Shifter could easily escape. Plus, no one would believe what was seen.

By the time they would learn how to fight the Shifter and use their weapons, a lot of people will be dead.

Which is why Eren needed to confirm if this was a Titan attack, or if this was a simple terrorist plot.

After arriving at the Embassy and double checking their information and passports, Eren and Miyuki got in a rental car and started driving north towards the border city. On top were some simple mountain bikes for Eren and Miyuki to use.

"This is exciting." Miyuki said. "I haven't really done anything like this yet."

"This is still your first job." Eren said. "Don't overcomplicate it."

"Right, no problem Senpai." Miyuki said. "Do international jobs normally go like this?" He asked.

"No." Eren said. "Mostly it's sitting in an embassy and doing paperwork."

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