Chapter 24: Confronting and Hiding the Truth

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"Why are you involving me again?" Armin asked.

"I need someone I can trust." Eren said as he got out of the car and walked towards the abandoned warehouse.

Eren was meeting with the Yakuza bosses in the Kanto Region that Sergei scheduled the meeting for. He brought with him Armin since he was the only ones he could fully trust with this job, and he was willing. He felt bad about bringing Armin but realized that it was necessary.

The building has been abandoned for a while and was on the outskirts of the city. Sergei picked this spot specifically to avoid CCTV cameras since it was still unknown how much resources the Hokkaido group, and by extension, the Marleyans had.

"You do realize that the Government will get angry if they find you making deals with the Yakuza behind their back." Armin said.

"I'm aware, and I don't care." Eren said. "This isn't the first time I've had to go against the Government."

While Eren had his whole journey a decade ago about accepting consequences, it didn't change his desire to protect his family. He would gladly die or be imprisoned if it meant they are safe. These are the consequences he's willing to accept.

"I'm well aware." Armin chuckled. "At least this time you're not going to beat me up again, at least I hope."

"Not this time Armin." Eren said with a small smirk.

It was strange to work with his old friend again, especially since the last time Eren saw Armin was when they fought each other as Titans. Armin really changed during the latter years of the conflict with Marley into a capable and inspirational commander. Eren hoped Armin wouldn't have to go down that route again and can simply enjoy a normal life.

Eren walked up to a doorway leading into the main conference room of the warehouse, which were guarded by two Yakuza men. They noticed Eren and he could tell that they got worried when they saw him.

Eren walked past them and entered into the room. Sitting around a table were the ten Yakuza bosses in the Kanto Region. Eren knew these were the biggest ones since they wouldn't dare to refuse his call. Eren recognized one as the current heads of the Isagawa-Kai, the same one that he spoke to at the start of his investigation.

He looked worried, and so did the rest of the Yakuza Oyabuns. They tried to visibly maintain their composure, but Eren could tell they were failing. The last time Eren involved himself directly resulted in the near destruction of the Isagawa, and now he was getting involved again.

"Eren." One of the Oyabuns said.

"Listen, I'll keep this brief." Eren said. "A group from Hokkaido is moving in and targeting me and my family."

There was a pause. Who would be dumb enough to try and target Eren Yeager, especially his family? Eren could tell that the Oyabun's were piecing together why Eren called them here.

"You want us to fight them?" The leader of the Isagawa said.

"Exactly." Eren nodded. "They're being used by old enemies of mine to strike at me as a kind of proxy. So, you will be my proxies in this."

"And if we don't?" A younger Oyabun asked.

"Then I'll kill you." Eren said.

"Hehe, really?" The Isagawa leader chuckled. "If this group and your old enemies are a threat to you, then how do you expect us to fight them?"

"The Marleyan's, my old enemies, will be left to me. I just need you to keep the Hokkaido group off of me." Eren said.

"Is there any reason we shouldn't join them?" The younger boss asked.

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