Chapter 16: Lines are Drawn

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"Ohayo Reiner!" Ruby called out as Reiner stepped inside the studio.

"Oh hi oh Ruby." Reiner attempted, which made his accent funny to her.

Ruby was busy playing on her phone and barely looked over to Reiner. Kana was writing some things down in her notebook to research different aspects of being an idol. Ai was on her laptop, writing emails to prepare the girls for their next big event. Aqua was sitting on the couch, keeping an eye outside for any threats. And Mikasa and Kawachi were on the floor playing with their own phones.

"Glad you made it Reiner." Ai smiled.

"Yea, I actually feel safer now." Kana said.

"We did tell you that you don't have to keep working with us, considering the circumstances." Ai giggled.

"If I don't do this then my career is done anyway, so I'll deal with the threat of giant monsters for now." Kana said, though still felt kind of worried.

"I think you'll be fine Kana." Reiner said. "I never knew Galliard to attack people for no reason."

"Seriously, it amazes me that you know him." Kana said.

"Agreed, the whole situation still feels surreal." Aqua said.

"Well, I hate him!" Mikasa yelled.

"Mika-Chan." Ai tried to chastise her daughter.

"It's true, he attacked me and papa!" She yelled.

"I don't think he necessarily attacked you, more so you were just in the way." Reiner said to Mikasa.

"Either way, he did nearly get my sis killed." Kawachi said angrily.

"I won't argue that." Reiner said. "But don't worry, if he tries anything while I'm here, I'll have a talk with him."

"A talk?" Aqua asked, unsure.

"I don't think Porco would try to fight me." Reiner said.

"What makes you think he won't?" Aqua asked, crossing his arms.

"Porco and I were comrades." Reiner said. "We had our differences, and he never really liked me, but we did fight together and watched each other's backs."

"Let's not worry about that." Ai said as she stood up from her desk. "For now, let's focus on the upcoming concert."

"Yea!" Ruby said in excitement. "When will it be?"

"Well, that's the problem." Ai said. "They want at least one more person to sing in B-Komachi before we can get permission."

There was a silence in the room. Ruby didn't lose her excitement, but Kana sighed and practically deflated from the news.

"We're doomed." She said.

"Now, now, we can find someone." Ai tried to stay positive.

"Unless we find someone as desperate as me, I doubt anyone would risk their careers to work with a former idol and the wife of a criminal." Kana said.

"That is a concern, but I'm sure it will all work out." Ai said with a feeling of hope.

"I do hope so." Ruby said.

Ruby was concerned about her chances of becoming an idol since they still had issues with hiring people. Despite her increased popularity and exposure, she was still controversial, especially with her mother as her manager.

"Bleh.." Ruby said as she drank a bottle she got from the convenient store.

"What is it?" Reiner asked.

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