Chapter 20: A "Not Date"

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"Braun-San, you have recently been accepted to compete in an exhibition match against Okami Yushin, how do you feel about the opportunity?" The reporter asked.

Reiner finished up another match in a regional tournament. Ruby and Kana once again acted as cheer girls since they needed some way to stay relevant until they got an opportunity to perform. Until then, they continued to support Reiner's own career.

"It's a great opportunity. I'm looking forward to it and can't wait until I turn eighteen so I can compete professionally in Mixed Martial Arts." Reiner said, crossing his arms and having a serious face, though there was a hint of excitement.

Ruby, Kana, Ai, and Aqua listened in the background as Reiner was conducting his post-fight interview. Ruby was slightly upset that Reiner let himself get beat up again, but he convinced her that it was no big deal. Ruby just pouted when he said that.

"With you working with B-Komachi, there are some rumors of you and Hoshino Ruby dating, do you care to comment?" The reporter asked.

Ai's breath got caught in her throat. She never anticipated a question like this, but once again Ruby's career was in danger. Any kind of perceived relationship could have the potential to ruin her career if she could no longer maintain her innocent persona.

Ruby, Kana, and Aqua had similar thoughts. If there were any alleged ideas of romance between her and Reiner, it could cause issues for them. Especially since they're already trying to mitigate Eren and Ai's controversy in the meantime.

"I did try to ask Ruby on a date." Reiner said in a matter-of-fact tone.

He said what!?!? B-Komachi thought simultaneously.

This had the potential of ruining Ruby's career if there was even the slightest hint of romance. Why would Reiner say that?

"Really, did she agree?" The reporter asked.

"She got very flustered." Reiner shrugged. "She started to blush and hide her face, but she rejected me. She bowed a bunch and kept saying sorry, but she had no interest."

I never did that! Ruby thought to herself. Ruby was cool, collected, and completely in control of her emotions when she rejected him. Ruby was the very picture of womanly adult charm since she was now officially an adult.

So why is she hiding her face behind her hands?

"Really?" The reporter asked. "Were you heartbroken?"

"Not really." Reiner shrugged. "She's cute but she's not the only woman in the world." He chuckled.

Ruby actually felt herself get sad when he said that. Was she really so forgettable to him that he didn't even feel anything when she rejected him? Ruby did feel bad when she realized how she sounded, but she was too scared to give up her career to pursue a guy.

But did Reiner really feel nothing?

Ai glanced at her daughter, who was doing a terrible job at hiding her emotions. She could tell that Ruby was going through a range of emotions and she could tell that Ruby felt a bit upset that Reiner could just brush off her rejection.

It was a strange contradiction that Ai knew many women felt. Despite rejecting Reiner, she wants him to still be interested in her and to at least struggle to get over her rejection. Mainly because Ai could tell that Ruby really did find herself attracted to Reiner. But her trauma as a child in seeing Ai's career and the result of learning that Ai had a family still weighed heavily on her mind.

Ai had no doubt that Ruby at least would have tried to go on a date with Reiner if that caveat didn't exist.

After the interview concluded, Reiner and B-Komachi returned to the locker room. Reiner's bruised face, cut brow, and cut lip bothered him a bit, but he didn't really care since he was used to it.

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