Chapter 13: Ruby's Big Interview

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"Ok... I am kind of nervous." Ruby said in a mix of fear and worry.

"Don't worry Ruby-Chan, you'll do great." Ai winked at her.

"I know, but this'll be my first interview, it's going to be nerve racking." Ruby said.

"Don't worry." Kana waved off. "You'll get used to it, trust me."

"Arima-San is correct." Ai nodded. "Once the glamour wears off, it'll feel like just having a normal conversation with the host."

"Just remember how we practiced." Aqua said.

"Yes." Reiner nodded. "Interviews can be pretty staged sometimes, so just relax and be yourself."

"That's more of a western mindset." Ai waved off Reiner's advice. "You'll need to act like the perfect girl, sweet, innocent, kind, and in no way come off as rude or insulting."

"Funny too." Kana added in.

"Really?" Reiner asked.

"Being an idol is about selling the perfect woman." Ai explained. "You sell a persona that people fall for, so you must never break character or the illusion is ruined. Above all else, we sell love."

"That sounds tiring." Reiner said with a sad look.

"Something wrong?" Ruby asked.

"I guess I understand how it feels to have to play a different role." He said. "Ignore me, just make sure you're ready."

"Ok, I think I can do this." Ruby said.

"And remember, if for whatever reason they bring up me or your otosan, you have to follow the script." Ai reminded.

"I know." Ruby said.

In the week leading up the interview, they knew that some of the questions will inevitably be about Ai and the loss of her career as well as Eren being a criminal. Ruby was told to simply either deflect the questions or to agree with them.

Under no circumstances was Ruby to defend either Ai or Eren.

Ai was seen as a failed and washed-up idol and a promiscuous woman. Twice she gave birth outside of marriage and both times with men who the public considered to be problematic. She was seen as a fake who lied and slept around. Rumors early on even started that she worked at the red light district after she lost her career, of course those rumors never bothered Ai.

After a decade now, Ai was old news, and she was never mentioned outside of a few occasional posts about old washed-up figures. Many of the newer generation on social media doesn't know who she is since many of them were young when Ai was famous.

Then of course, there's Eren. While Ai faded into obscurity, Eren was still very much a controversial figure. The ex-Yakuza turned government agent who many people still haven't forgiven him since his crimes were swept under the rug.

So, the interviewer will undoubtably bring up Eren and Ai to Ruby, and Ruby was instructed to not defend them. It's better to let the public gain sympathy for Ruby as the daughter of bad people. After all, the public do love a sympathetic person who can smile in the face of hardship.

"Ok, get ready." Aqua said as he prepared to let them onto the stage. "And good luck Ruby." He said honestly.

"I guess I'm not here." Kana crossed her arms.

"You're not going to be questioned as hard Arima-San." Aqua said seriously.

Ai giggled at Kana's pout, knowing that Kana was just upset that Aqua didn't notice her. Ai found her crush on her son to be adorable.

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