Chapter 18: A Trap is Set

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Eren walked into the HQ and noticed that Agents were rushing around more than normal. They seemed like they were getting ready for something, which normally only happened during an attack or a raid on a location. Typically, they only dealt with foreign threats, so Eren was wondering what was going on.

"Senpai, you made it." Miyuki said.

"What's going on?" Eren asked.

Miyuki was preparing his own gear, a Kevlar vest that he wore over his white shirt and didn't bring his normal jacket. He also prepared his pistol, but Miyuki's vest was a little loose and it was clear he was still fresh from training.

"The Director has found a positive ID on one of the Titans." Miyuki said.

Eren's eyes widened slightly.

"You're sure?" Eren asked.

"Yea, he's preparing SAT and snipers to try and apprehend them." Miyuki said.

That concerned Eren. Eren knew that unless a Tian battle happens, capturing a Shifter is next to impossible. Any injury at all can cause a transformation, and the Scouts attempts to capture Annie only ever resulted in dozens of dead Soldiers.

He had no doubt that there would be a fight, and he also knew that Naicho probably doesn't fully understand the situation. His report only recently got to the Diet, and they have yet to release the report to any of their agencies due to their bureaucratic processes.

"Where are they?" Eren asked.

"They?" Miyuki asked.

"There should be another one, the Cart Titan. A western girl with black wavy hair." Eren said.

"Yea, she was ID'd too, but they didn't know if she was in league with the guy." Miyuki said.

"Where is the Director?" Eren asked.

"He's already heading to the spot." Miyuki said. "He wants you near him in case things go poorly."

"Things are going to go poorly." Eren said.

"What do you mean?" Miyuki asked.

"They don't know what they're dealing with." Eren said.

Eren got his own vest and pistol and made sure it was fitted on him. He made sure to have extra ammo, hoping that he could avoid a Titan fight. Especially if it happens in the middle of Tokyo.

"Where are they?" Eren asked.

"Well, apparently they were spotted in a CCTV camera in an elementary school, posing as janitors." Miyuki said.

Eren's eyes widened all the way now.

"They're walking into a trap." Eren said.

Eren grabbed his keys and motioned for Miyuki to follow him. As they walked, Eren double checked his ammo, vest, and any additional things he'd need in case he could actually avoid a Titan fight.

"Come again?" Miyuki asked.

"It's a trap." Eren said again. "I need to get to the Director and tell him to call off the raid."

Eren walked outside and over to his car. Miyuki got in the passenger side and Eren got into the driver seat. He started the car and made his way out of the HQ and over towards the school that Miyuki told him about.


Ai slammed her head into the desk for the third time. She has been trying for three days straight, especially after Ruby's interview to hopefully get them a decent concert. However, President Saitou is being stingy with funding right now as things stand.

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