Chapter 5

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I'm f*cking exhausted. Its about 8:30am and I'm at one of the local coffee shops. It's not a problem to support these small businesses sometimes. I walk inside and I see someone looking at me.

It's Iris. She walks in and is behind me by the queue. I don't say a word. I keep my cold demeanor.

"Hello again, sir." Iris says with a small smile which looks forced. I ignore her but I acknowledge her with a small nod. I don't meet her eyes. "So you were a judge at the competition huh." she says with an emotionless tone.

"Indeed I was," I reply. Somehow I find myself asking her questions. "What was their decision about you?" I ask still not meeting her eyes. "I'm banned from competing for...the next one year. And I have a fine of $85 000." she says in a trembling voice.

"Wow," I scoff. "Where the hell am I going to get that money from?" Iris asks herself. "Don't know. Don't care." I say. "No one was talking to you, sir." she says with an annoyed voice.

I order my coffee and I don't say anything to her. I watch her sitting on a chair in the shop sipping on hazelnut coffee. I get a phone call.

It's my father.

"Hello father."
"How are you doing, son?"
"I want you to come later to my house, to meet your fiancé."
"W-What?" I say in a shocked an irritated tone.
"You don't have a girlfriend let alone anyone, so since you're not interested I'll do it for you."
"I don't f*cking need a woman!"
"You're a CEO, son. I'm not going to let a man like you be single so I'll see you at my house."
"I have a girlfriend." I lie.
"What thats amazing news!"
"I'll call you later."

I hang up the phone. Why did I f*cking lie about having a girlfriend. Where the hell am I supposed to find one. I glare at Iris. I smirk just a little. I walk up to Iris.

"Hello again." I say with a cold voice. "Um hello?" Iris replies. "Be my fake girlfriend, Iris," I awkwardly say. Shit that came out so wrong. "What?!" Iris gasps.

"You heard me." I say. I can't take back my words can I? "Why the hell would I agree to that bullshit?" says Iris. "Let's make a deal alright." I say. "What deal?" asks Iris.

"Be my fake girlfriend and I'll pay your $85 000 fine and prove your innocence." I propose. "And how do I know you're not lying?" asks Iris with an unsure look on her face.

"I'll get a contract which we'll both sign." I say. "I don't know." Iris sighs. "You have 1 minute to decide," I say glaring coldly at her.

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