Chapter 11

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It's the next day. I'm relieved but also kind of disappointed that I won't be seeing Rhys today. But it's alright I can still annoy the shit outta him over text.

I'm still trying to figure out who framed me. Nothing. Avery is also trying her best but even she's failing. I have a few suspects but I'm not going to overthink it.

I have to go to the repair store since my skates had broken a bit. Instead of driving I decided to walk because,
1. My car ran out of gas.
2. My sister took her car and there was no way I was getting an Uber.

I strolled on the sidewalk, my white skates in my backpack. Not gonna lie I miss Rhys. Not a lot. But just a bit. An hour later I reach the store.

I'm exhausted. I hand over the slightly broken skates to the front desk lady and I exit the store. They said that I could fetch them tomorrow.

As I was exiting the store I spotted a familiar face. The same girl I met on the day of that competition.

"Oh, hello again! Remember me?" she says. I remember. Her name is Harper. "Hey Harper." I reply. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry about what happened to your performance that day. It sucked huh," she said with a smile.

I nodded. "By the way I placed in 1st," she added. Like I cared. "At least you weren't there to be any serious competition," she stated. Wait, was she threatened by me?

"Anyways I have to go, bye!" she started walking away. I waved back to her. I also left the store. There was a cafe nearby so decided to kill some time over there.

I ordered a dessert and sat at a table. And surprise. I see Rhys talking with someone who looks like a business partner. Luckily I'm sitting far enough for me to see him, but he's not able to see me.

My dessert comes to me and I start eating. Rhys looks very serious when talking business. I didn't see his Porsche so he either came with this business partner or in another car.

I finish the dessert and decide to leave since it's getting boring now. I start walking and since I have the best luck... It begins to rain! Great. And the best part is that I'm wearing a crop top and shorts. THE SUN WAS F*CKING OUT WHEN I CAME.

I walk briskly, raindrops trickling down my face. "Iris," a voice calls out to me. Rhys. I turn around and Rhys is walking up to me not bothering about the fact that he's also getting soaked.

He hands me his coat. "I can't drop you home, but I'll text you later," he slips his coat onto me and walks away. Okay that wasn't something I expected. I luckily reach home safely.

It's about 7pm and I get a text from Rhys.

"Hey, Rhys"
"Is my coat safe?"
"No I burned it, sweetheart"
"You wouldn't dare"
"Watch me"
"Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight"

Is the cold CEO possibly warming up to me now? I have his coat, it's drying on a hanger. Maybe I'll burn it, let's see what he says.

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