Chapter 7

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It's currently 8:30am. I'm making my way to Iris' house in my black Porsche. "This is going to be a nightmare." I mutter under my breath.

About 25 minutes later I reach the house. It's not fancy. Not large. I park my car and make my way to the doorstep. I firmly knock on the door once, not planning to do it again.

A minute later a girl with short blonde hair opens the door. The same blonde girl I saw at the rink. "Hello, can I help you?" she asks. I'm unamused. "I'm here for, Iris." I say coldly.

Suddenly Iris comes peeking from behind the blonde girl. "Ohhh, hey. Rhys." she says awkwardly, still in her pajamas. The blonde girl is in formal clothes. "You know him?" asks the girl.

"Y-Yes he's my..." I cut her off. "I'm her boyfriend." I sigh. "Ooooo you're handsome." the blonde girl winks. Iris rolls her eyes. "I'm happily taken and I don't plan for it to be any other way," I say.

"Avery it's time for you to go to work." says Iris as she pushes the girl our of the house. "Alright, alright. I'll see you later. Bye!" the girl says as she gets into her car and drives off.

Iris sighs. "I told you to be ready." I say. "Oh come on, you were here 5 minutes early," she says. "Get dressed fast. I'm only giving you 4 minutes," I say coldly. Iris nods as she closes the front door, and I wait outside.

7 minutes later, I'm about to leave. Iris comes bolting out the door. She's wearing a purple top, white skirt and white sneakers. I'm not going to lie. She's a bit cute.

"See I was quick," she says proudly. "3 minutes late. Learn to manage your time better," I tell her. She sighs. "So where are we going?" she asks. "Art museum." I say arrogantly.

"But that's so boring," she says in an oddly sad tone. "I don't care now get in." I say as I gesture her to get into the passenger seat of my Porsche. As she's getting in, she trips on a rock. I watch her fall and can't help but chuckle to myself.

"Pathetic." I say out loud. She gets off the ground and shoots a deathly glare at me. Her ice blue eyes are trying to look terrifying. She dusts herself off, and gets into the car. "Drive." she mutters. "Yes, moonlight." I say as I chuckle.

"That's the worst nickname ever," she says. "I don't care," I reply. "Alright tell me why the hell you want a fake girlfriend," she asks. "It's because my father wants to get me married to some spoiled brat, but if I have someone, he won't." I say still keeping a cold tone.

"Wait... Howcome you don't believe the footage. Why do you believe me instead of everyone else. That I didn't do anything wrong?" she asks. "Because me of all those judges knows how clumsy you really are. If you tampered with those cables, you would've killed everyone." I tell her.

Iris scoffs. "I'm not that, clumsy," she defends herself. I roll my eyes. Not wanting to talk anymore.

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