Chapter 24

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I wake up the next morning. I'm feeling rather energetic today. My sister promised me that we could go to the cinema together.

I take my time getting ready. I go downstairs for breakfast. Surprisingly Avery isn't there. She suddenly bursts out of her room and runs.

"I'm sorry sis, I have some important work. Cya later," she runs out the door not even waiting for me to say anything. It's really annoying when she's always so 'busy'.

2 days later

I asked Rhys if we could hang out at my house since Avery was out again. Luckily and surprisingly he agreed. It's currently 2pm.

I'm doing some last minute cleaning before my 'guest' can show up. I know he wouldn't mind the 'mess' but I'm bored anyways.

I'm listening to my favorite music on my headphones while sweeping the living room. 30 minutes later someone knocks on the front door. I peek outside and there's a Porsche parked there.

Of course it's Rhys. I quickly open the door. "Heyy," I say. "Hello Iris. How are you?" he says as he comes forward and hugs me. "Alright, come in!" I say enthusiastically.

Rhys walks into the house while holding my hand. "Wow, you actually keep your house clean," he chuckles. "I know you thought I was as messy as a rat," I say.

"My thoughts exactly," he says and smiles at me. "So what do you wanna do?" I ask with a smirk. "I don't know and I don't care," Rhys says blankly. Rude. I put on my thinking face.

"Hmmmmm," I ponder. "Ooo lets bake!!" I say excitedly. "Me. Rhys Anderson. Baking," he scoffs. "Never. Not in any life," he says. "I didn't know you were that boring," I roll my eyes.

"I'm not boring. It's just that I don't want to engage in your childish activities," Rhys shrugs. "Okay okay fine. You win. I'll just have to call my *cough cough* other friend who's a male to bake with me," I tease.

"Okay okay, you win. I'll bake with you," he sighs. Ah, I love this man. I get all the necessary ingredients out of the pantry. "We're baking chocolate-chip cookies!" I say excitedly.

"Yay, I can't wait," Rhys says sarcastically. I put all the wet ingredients into a bowl and I make Rhys stir everything. "Why do I have to do all this?" he playfully shouts.

"Becauseee," I say as I pat his head. "You're my worker now," I tease. "Oh really, we'll see about that," he says as he throws flour on my face. "Rhys! What the hell?" I shout.

He starts laughing. "You are 100% gonna regret that," I say as I throw a jug of water onto his face and I giggle. "Moonlight. Flour and water have a big difference you know," he says as he dries himself.

I take the towel from him and wipe my face. We finish making the cookie dough and it's ready to go into the oven. There's suddenly an unexpected knock on the front door.

Who could that be?

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