Chapter 29

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I wake up at about 7:00am. I think I'm in Rhys's bedroom. I slowly wake up, go to the bathroom in Rhys's bedroom and get ready for the day.

I have a lot to do today. I bump into one of the butlers. "Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me where Rhys is?" I ask kindly. "I doubt that he would want to be disturbed by someone like you," he says rudely.

Who does this guy think he is? "Excuse me, sir. I am Rhys's girlfriend, so if you don't mind telling me where he is. I would really appreciate it," I try to be nice to him.

"Sir would never date someone as-" he stops. He stares at me. His eyes wandering above my head. I get I'm short but I didn't think I was that short.

Two strong arms wrap around my waist. Rhys. I sigh. "Be careful how you finish that sentence. If you say anything ill about Iris I'll make sure you won't have a job," Rhys says coldly.

"Y-yes sir," he trembles and walks away. I hug Rhys. "Good morning, Idiot," I say. "Good morning, moonlight. Did you enjoy sleeping in my bed?" he chuckles.

"Ha so it was your room, huh. And yes, I slept like a princess," I say. "A princess should be treated like one. Shouldn't she?" he smiles. "Obviously," I smirk.

"I need to see my lawyer so I can finally get proved as innocent," I say. "Of course. I'll take you after breakfast," he says. "Speaking of breakfast... I'm starving," I say.

"I know, I know. Come on lets go eat something," he says as he holds my hand and takes me downstairs.

*After breakfast*

We get into his car. I put the destination onto the GPS and he drives. "You should let me drive sometime," I say. "Never, ever. You'd kill both of us," he smiles.

"Excuse me. I'm a good if not great driver and I will have you know-" he cuts me off. "Alright, alright, calm down, grumpy," he says and I roll my eyes.

"Says the person who was colder than Antarctica when I met him," I say. "You were the one who spilled coffee on me, you sassy girl," he says. "The coffee was good," I say.

"I bet it was but it ruined the new suit," he says with a smirk. "It was so worth it," I chuckle. We talk the whole ride. 25 minutes later we reach the lawyers office.

Rhys sits in the car. Because I told him to of course or else he'd basically carry me the entire time. He likes acting so clingy with me. Sometimes I can't believe he's the same person I met.

I speak to my lawyer and show her all the proof needed.

She said she'd call me once a final decision is made. I go back to the car. "You took 1½ hours," Rhys frowns. "I'm sorry, my little baby," I say playfully and I kiss his forehead. "I waited here for you for so long and didn't leave, thank me, moonlight," he gives me a playful pout.

"Thank you my beautiful princess," I chuckle. "Wanna go somewhere for lunch?" he asks. "Yesss," I say.

(Timeskip to a few hours later)

It's currently 4pm. I'm sitting on the couch with Rhys. I get a call from my lawyer.

"Hello, Iris. The court has made their decision."
"And?? What is it?"
"They've said that you're innocent and all the charges against you are dropped and put onto Miss Avery."
"Oh my goodness, thank you so much."
"No problem have a good day!"

"Rhys, I'm officially innocent. I can finally skate in competitions again," I hug him. "I'm proud of you, moonlight," he hugs me back and kisses my cheek.

"You're like a clingy baby, Rhys," I laugh softly. "I'm only your baby, sweetheart. No one else's," he smiles at me. My heart flutters whenever she smiles.

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