Chapter 19

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I go inside and lock the door behind me. I see my sister fell asleep on the couch. Typical Avery. I cover her with a blanket and I silently walk upstairs.

I carefully remove the dress making sure not even the slightest scratch gets onto it. I love it so much. I carefully fold it into a neat shape and I plafe it into my cupboard.

I sigh of exhaustion. I change into my pajamas and lay on my bed. I watch some YouTube on my phone. I drift off of sleep.

I wake up the next morning at 8am. Maybe Rhys will call me or something. I get ready for the day and go down to see Avery. "Morning, sis," I say with a smile. "Morning," she says as she sips on her coffee.

"Why were you out so late?" Avery asks, curiously. "Uhm, I went out on a date with Rhys," I say guiltyly. "Aww, I wish I had a boyfriend like him," she squeals.

"We'd honestly make a good pair," she teases. "Never in a million years," I say. She chuckles. "By the way, we have some suspects on who framed you," she says.

"Who are they?" I ask hopefully. "That girl, Harper. Your ex, Andre. Or... Rhys," she says with a frown. What the f*ck. Rhys would never. "Alright," I say.

I know for a fact that Rhys would rather die than to frame me for something I didn't do. Especially since it involves my career. Rhys cares about me, I know that.

I decide to take a walk to the coffee shop. I get there and I order a hazelnut cappuccino. My favorite. I walk home while drinking my cappuccino. How the hell did Avery get Rhys as a suspect.

I mean I told her about Harper and Andre. But she can't possibly have anything against Rhys. Ugh this is all too much. I reach home.

It's currently 2pm. I eat lunch and go up to my room and I watch some Netflix. I literally watch Netflix for 3 hours. That's how boring my day was.

It's now 5pm. I get a text. It's from Rhys. I smile at my phone, not even knowing what he said.

"Hey, moonlight."
"How are you doing?"
"Alright. You?"
"Tired. My father wants you to come to his home for dinner."
"I know. But it's okay. I'll pick you up?"
"Mhm as always. What do I wearrrr?"
"Wear something elegant but not too fancy."
"Okay. What time you coming?"
"Is 6pm fine?"
"Goodnight, moonlight."

Somehow he never fails to make me smile. I hope I'm not falling for him. We're just using each other right? F*ck why am I lying to myself.

Of course I'm falling for him-

It's the next day. It's currently 5pm and I'm still looking for something to f*cking wear. Finally I find a cute, short, white dress. I apply natural makeup and curl my hair a bit.

I've already made a good impression but let's make it better. It takes me 45 minutes to get ready. I'm waiting at the front door anxiously for Rhys.

It's exactly 6pm now and someone knocks on the door. I open it and of course it's Rhys. "Ready?" he asks. I nod and lock the front door as I exit.

Rhys opens the car door for me. "I thought it was only for yesterday," I tease. "Shut up," he groans as I get in and he closes the door. He gets into the car as well. He starts driving.

"Please behave tonight," he sighs. "When have I not?" I say smiling. "I rather not answer that, hmm?" he says. "Anyways it will only be my father and us," he tells me.

At least the rest of his family won't he there.

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