Chapter 17

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He looks at me and smiles. I think I've seen enough movies to know how to do this. He's hands wrap around my waist. My one hand is on his shoulder and other holding my dress.

The music begins and he steps gracefully. His hazel eyes glaring warmly into mine. His every move is perfect. Everything about Rhys right now is absolutely perfect.

I spot his father smiling at us from a distance. "Rhys, how are you so good at this?" I whisper to him. "It comes naturally I guess," he says with a slighty cold tone.

"You're doing great, moonlight," he says. I'm smiling at him and I find myself hugging him. "Thank you," I whisper. He unexpectedly hugs me back. He pulls away slightly. Our faces are now barely inches apart.

For some reason the heat gets intense. I feel his warm breath on my face. His face gets closer to mine and I'm blushing.

The music finally ends and everyone bursts into applause. He moves away and holds my hand. Did we almost kiss?

There's just silence between us now. I honestly don't blame him. "Iris, wait here, I have to talk to some business partners," he sighs. I nod. "Don't move, please," he says.

I see someone approaching me. It's Adrian. God no. "Hello, beautiful," he tries to kiss my hand but I don't give him the chance to. "Did your boyfriend abandon you? I told you he's not right for you," he sighs.

"Excuse me he's perfect. And his life doesn't always revolve around me. He also has a life you know," I snap. I feel the urge to stand up for Rhys's name. Even though he's rude and cold at times, he's still sweet and caring towards me.

10 minutes pass and Adrian is still trying to flirt with me. "One date won't hurt," he says as he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. I swear to God I would've kicked him in  his dick if I wasn't wearing this heavy ballgown.

I try my best to pull away. But f*ck he's strong. Another pair of stronger arms pull me away from Adrian and onto them. Of course it's Rhys. "Adrian, please f*ck off. And you have no f*cking rights to touch her. She's mine."

He sounds so serious. He's glaring at Adrian with ice cold eyes. "Chill Yourself, Rhys," he chuckles and walks away. "Are you okay, moonlight," he asks as he looks at me sweetly.

"I'm alright, thank you," I say to him. He nods without any expression. An hour later the event is over.

"Son, stay with me. You have to help me supervise everything," his father says. "Father, I have to drop Iris home," Rhys says sternly.

"I'll tell my driver to drop her home, you stay here," his father suggests. "I'm sorry father, but her safety is everything to me. I'm not trusting some man with my Iris's life," he says which makes me blush.

Does he actually care about me or is all this part of our 'act'?

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