Chapter 16

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It's the next day. Today Iris has to meet my father. Posing as my girlfriend. Hopefully this goes well. It's currently 4:15pm.

I have to get ready for the event. I hope Iris likes the dress I bought her. I put on my suit, formal pants, a tie and formal shoes.

I have to go pick up Iris. I get into my Ferrari and make my way to her home. She told me that her sister would be out today. Perfect.

I reach her house at exactly 5pm. I knock on the front door. I hear footsteps. Iris opens the door slightly, peeking her head through the gap. "Hey, Rhys," she says enthusiastically. "Open the door," I say coldly.

"Oh yea, sorry about that," she says as she opens the door. She looks...
Absolutely gorgeous

Even if she is my fake girlfriend I have to admit she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. "How do I look?" she asks. "Absolutely amazing," I say too quickly.

F*ck. I'm not supposed to f*cking compliment her. "Thank you, Rhys. And thank you so much for the dress," she smiles warmly at me.

"I only got you the dress, because I didn't want you to embarrass me," I say while looking away. "Right. Umm let's go?" Iris says.

"Yes, come on," I say as I gesture to the car.
We walk towards the car and I open the door for her. "That's new," she teases. "I'm only doing this so you don't ruin the dress," I say. She gets into the car.

That's partially the truth. I get into the drivers seat and I drive to the venue. "You don't look so bad yourself. You look handsome in fact," Iris chuckles. I don't respond but I can't help but smile.

She f*cking complimented me. I don't usually even listen to people's compliments but...Iris.
We reach the venue at 6:45pm. I get out of the car, open the passanger door and extend my hand for Iris. "Don't think I'm gonna always do this," I say to her.

She smiles at me. God I love when she smiles. She holds my hand. "Ready," I ask. She nods. I know she's nervous, but I trust her. We walk inside. We draw every person's attention.

This is a charity event held by my father. She holds onto my arm. We look like an actual couple. As we walk into the building, we get greeted by my father.

"Hello, son. You and your partner look lovely," says my father. "Thank you, sir," Iris says sweetly. "Call me father, not sir," he says kindly. Iris looks up at me and glances back down.

I shake my father's hand out of formality. "There'll be a dance in 15 minutes," my father says, smiling. "Why a dance?" I ask my father.

"It's a formal event, people are dressed in ballgowns just like your partner and it will lighten the mood!" he smiles and walks away as he tends to guests. "Rhys, how the hell are we gonna dance like a couple, when we're not one," she whispers.

"Ugh, we'll figure it out," I sigh. It's currently 7pm and my father announces the dance. I gently hold Iris's hand and lead her to the center of the room. There are a few other rich couples around us.

"Rhys..." Iris whispers with a nervous face. "Don't worry, moonlight," I say with a soft smile.

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