sexuality and such

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(a.n. this one's gonna be a long one prepare yourself.)

Felix never really thought of his sexuality in all 20 years of his life.

Besides for occasionally thinking about hyunjin excessively or staring at him while he dances, he hasn't considered any lable or need for one.

Well he's just always been busy with debuting and skz and stuff and they weren't really allowed to date, so he never gave it much thought.

The day he gave some thought to his sexuality was the day that skz finished all their performances and they had a few months break laying ahead of them.

Celebrating all their hard work and success, the members decided they were going to a bar that night.

Felix was excited to laugh at his friends drunk, and to take embarrassing photos of them all to blackmail them with later.

The music was blaring loudly that night and the flashing blue and pink and green party lights were adding to the careless atmosphere.

"I lOve...hic...All oF yoUu!" A very drunk jisung had climbed on a counter and stated.

The strangers were too wasted to care.
"bUt I espEciallY lOve YoU!" Jisung pointed at Minho.

Within seconds Minho had jisung pinned against the wall and they were making out.

Felix giggled and took photos for later, while changbin was trying to get them to stop.

"Nothing to see here people." He laughed nervously while breaking up the couple.

In another section was jeongin and chan and sengmin.

Chan was pouring jeongin apple juice that he brought from home.
"He is absolutely not drinking he is a baby." Chan declared.

"He's twenty years old!!" An exasperated seungmin explained, pouring whiskey into another cup and handing it to jeongin.

Poor jeongin just looked confused and decided not to drink anything.

Felix continued examining what his other members were doing, feeling a bit awkward, not knowing what he was supposed to do at this bar.

He had already drunken a bit and felt slightly tipsy, ofc nowhere near as drunk as jisung and minho.

"Hey pretty." A voice said from behind felix, putting his hand on Felix's waist.

Felix spun around to see a tall, handsome man with sharp eyes and an endearing smile, he looked around his age.

Felix's jaw dropped in his mind, at the sight of the most gorgous man he had ever seen.

"Hello." He shyly said, feeling an attraction to the man that he never thought he could feel for a stranger.

"Why don't we go outside, princess?" The man took his hand, and the two pushed through the crowd.

"Felix? Where are you going and who is this?" Chan asked suspiciously, while trying to babysit jeongin and seungmin who were chugging drinks when he wasn't looking.

"Oh um, we are just going outside." Felix explained, and before Chan could say anything, the man had tugged on Felix to go out already and the two left.

The crispy cold air greeted their faces and Felix felt a bit nervous but excited to be next to this mysterious handsome man.

"What's your name?" The mans voice was spilling like honey, dropping slowly and captivatingly.

"F...Felix." Felix answered, feeling the effects of alcohol getting to him.

"That's a beautiful name. I'm Ha Joon."
The man was now getting quite close to Felix.

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