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Jeongin really loved every aspect of being with the group.
He loved especially the adrenaline he gets when he's on stage.
He loved his pounding heart when the bass boomed loud in his ears.
He loved the feeling when his body slipped into muscle memory and felt the dance moves take control of him.

Sure he wasn't in danceracha but he still loved dancing and performing.
So when it was announced one day that their old dance teacher that they had for four years was leaving and that a new one will be hired to teach and choreograph dances, jeongin felt excited to see where this would lead.

The day came when they would meet him, and the members arrived at the dance studio in anticipation.

Inside stood a smiling man, about their age it seemed, with a soft look and a pretty face.

"Hello, I am Gi Yongson, your new dance teacher. I hope we have fun, and learning experiences together." He bowed down.

"Aww he's really sweet." Whispered Felix, who was used to the harsh old dance teacher.

The members all shook hands with him. When jeongin got his turn to shake hands with the pretty teacher, Yongsong held onto his hand just a bit longer and made deep eye contact.

Oh um this is awkward. Jeongin thought and pulled his arm away, trying to remain polite and not insult the smiling teacher.

"Alright let's start a quick warm up." Yongsong quickly gathered everyone and turned on some music to warm up to.

The rehearsal itself was very good, they learned a whole new dance, and even had time to work on personal details.

But jeongin felt uncomfortable and he didn't understand why. He felt like someone was watching him. And indeed, when he turned around, the dance teachers eyes were dancing on jeongins body.

"Am I doing something wrong?" Asked jeongin, stopping to dance.

"Mmm yes, you should be rolling your pelvis out and then your hips in this body roll. You're doing too much shoulders and upper body." Yongsongs said, matter of factly.

Jeongin tried perfecting the body roll for the dance and checked the dance teachers face for approval.

But instead of seeing careful examining eyes, he saw hungry eyes prevertedly checking him out.

I must be seeing things. He's litteraly the sweetest dance teacher we had. Jeongin shook off his weird gut feeling that was erupting inside him.

The rehearsal ended and the members parted from yongsong and climbed into their van back to the dorms.

"He was such a nice guy."
"Omg we learned so fast and quickly with his amazing teaching."
"Did you see the way he dances himself? And then he calls himself a beginner. So modest."

The chatter in the car was all about the new teacher but jeongin wasn't speaking. He felt a little off.

The next day the boys all showed up for their next rehearsal, excited to be working with Yongsong again.

"Hello skz. I hope you had a nice rest yesterday. Let's hop back into it and get more done today! Start warming up, I just have a word to say to jeongin."

The members all started to stretch and spread out on the dance floor, and jeongin stood still by the entrance, feeling better knowing he's close to an exit.

Yongsong came up to him, and stood rather close by.
"Jeongin, I'd like to discuss your clothes. Arriving properly to a dance rehearsal means wearing something thin and tight, so that you can examine the little details of the dance. When you wear baggy clothes, I can't tell if you're doing it right."

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