Veiled powers, Unleashed fates!

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As Fujii Yudai hurriedly approaches his father to deliver the Royal bloodline scroll, he's plagued by peculiar and haunting flashes of an assassin reveling in ruthless killings. Dismissing it as mere hallucinations, Yudai brushes off the disturbing images. Fujii Masaki notices his son's profuse sweating and inquires about the cause. Overwhelmed with excitement, Yudai exclaims, "I've obtained a scroll that says Royal bloodline, it makes me feel powerful!" Eagerly, he retrieves it from his bag, yet to Masaki's eyes, there's nothing there. Assuming Yudai is joking, Masaki warns him sternly never to eavesdrop when he converses with Yudai's mother.

Confused by his father's dismissal and puzzled by why Masaki didn't question the scroll, Yudai remains unaware that only those from the Royal bloodline can perceive and sense the power within the scroll. Confronting his father once more, Yudai seeks answers as to why Masaki ignored both him and the scroll. Masaki retorts firmly, "The Royal bloodline is a myth. I don't want you discussing it again." Disheartened, Yudai leaves the house, taking a stroll, contemplating his father's rejection.

As he wanders, he witnesses the Land of Water (Asseko) launching an invasion upon his village, employing highly skilled ninjas proficient in water-style techniques merged with Kung Fu. Brimming with confidence, Yudai realizes it's the moment to test the power of the enigmatic scroll. As he unleashes it, an unfamiliar force seizes control of him. His eyes gleam, emanating an aura of immeasurable power. Facing the invading ninjas, Yudai engages them, overpowering each with brutal efficiency. But as he is still not familiar with the powers of the royal scroll, he overuses it, loses stamina and faints. Fujii Masaki stands in shock, witnessing the unprecedented ferocity unleashed by his son.

As Yudai awakens to the jubilation of the entire village, the assumption of his flawless execution of newfound powers persists in Masaki's mind. The disbelief in the existence of the Royal Bloodline stands, as Masaki attributes Yudai's prowess solely to his consistent training.

Meanwhile, as Yudai's mother, Fujii Yuka, tends to his wounds, she senses an ominous presence-a powerful and cunning soul intertwined with her son. A shiver runs down her spine, and nervousness clutches at her heart as she perceives a thirst for revenge and blood emanating from within Yudai. This revelation unsettles her, casting shadows of doubt upon the safety of her cherished child.

Once Yudai is on his feet again, the village erupts in cheers, their eyes wide with awe and respect for the young ninja who single-handedly faced the invaders. However, Yuka, burdened by the knowledge of the enigmatic soul within Yudai, confides in Masaki. Together, they grapple with the unsettling question: Could the Royal Bloodline, with its echoes of another presence, truly exist?

As doubts simmer in the aftermath of Yudai's astonishing display of power, the village braces itself for the uncertain path ahead, caught between the flames of skepticism and the shadows of an uncharted destiny.

To be continued, Thanks for reading Part 2!

Harmony's Bloodlines: Yudai's Elemental QuestWhere stories live. Discover now