Aqua-Terra-Aero-"Yudai's captive challenge".

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Upon receiving the message from the water village regarding Fujii Yudai's extraordinary power, the air village, familiar with the potency of the royal bloodline, willingly unites to target the young Yudai. Meanwhile, the earth village underestimates his abilities, dismissing Asseko's offer and devising a plan to seize Yudai and harness the royal bloodline's power. Their intended invasion of the fire village takes a dramatic turn when Yudai, sensing the threat, allows the powerful soul within him to take control.

As the earth village attempts to breach the fire village borders, they find them mysteriously sealed, forcing a temporary retreat. Unbeknownst to them, Yudai, driven by the ancient soul's fury, unleashes havoc upon the earth village, demolishing buildings and instilling fear among its residents. In response, the earth village mobilizes its defense and reconnaissance units, only to discover that the source of their destruction is a lone boy-Yudai.

Faced with the unexpected might of Yudai, the earth village employs its secret technique, the "Earth Barrage," aiming to subdue him by pulling him underground. However, Yudai, tapping into his newfound strength, effortlessly dodges the onslaught and retaliates with a forceful punch that injures the assailants. In the aftermath, Yudai issues a stern warning, leaving the earth village with a lasting reminder of the consequences if they ever attempt to invade his home again.

Unbeknownst to the soul residing within Yudai, a carefully orchestrated ruse unfolded. The three villages-Earth, Water, and Air-collaborated in a cunning strategy, While the Earth village appeared to be the sole aggressor, in reality, the collective forces of the Water and Air villages had strategically allied, using the Earth village as a mere decoy. Surrounding Yudai, their combined numbers reached into the hundreds, encircling him from all sides.

Merging their collective might, the opposing villages unleash a formidable joint assault, landing a blow on Yudai. With a mere scratch on his face, Yudai defiantly remarks, "Is that all you've got?" Undeterred, the air village employs their technique, lifting Yudai into the air and forcefully slamming him to the ground. Simultaneously, the Earth village initiates the "Earth Barrage," pulling him underground, while the water village floods the area, imprisoning Yudai within a water-filled enclosure.

Confident in their success, the water village soldiers declare, "We've got him," and jubilantly begin their celebration.

Thanks for reading Part 4.

To be continued.

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