Yudai's Conundrum: The Fire Within

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Yudai has no clue how to escape the seal; he faces one of two choices. He can either surrender his body to Tsuyoshi Daku (the soul inside) or give up and die. Tsuyoshi Daku keeps messing with Yudai's head by saying, "You and I, we can rule this world together and bring the peace you always wanted."

Yudai, in an angry tone, questions, "What on earth did you mean when you said, 'I am you, and you are me'?"

Tsuyoshi Daku replies, "At this point, you are just questioning yourself. We both have the same souls, except your soul desires peace, love, and a great atmosphere, while all my soul wants is vengeance, revenge, and peace."

Yudai screams, "Shut up! There is no way! You don't know what peace is. Stop talking to me through my head and face me."

Though Tsuyoshi Daku tries to take control of Yudai, he can't. Yudai becomes furious and uses the most forbidden fire technique his father asked him never to use unless in danger. Breaking the seal, Yudai punches the ground from beneath, surprising the soldiers above who were celebrating. The soldiers start screaming and ordering each other:

Soldiers: "Get him!!! Get him!!!"

Yudai, already half tired from breaking the seal and using the most powerful fire technique, is surprised, as he was never able to use the technique until just now. Single-handedly, he tries to take on the trained armies of all the opposing villages. But the soul inside says, "It's impossible for you to take them on." Yudai responds, "Shut up, I'll get rid of you as soon as I am done with them."

Meanwhile, the search team from the village Yutajima finds Yudai surrounded by hundreds of people. They immediately use a smoke bomb, temporarily protect, and take Yudai back to his village. Fujii Masaki and Fujii Yuka rush to Yudai as soon as he is brought back to his village, they ask him where the hell he went off to and if he was hurt. Yudai calmly responds "I am okay you guys except I was worried i might never get to see you guys again".

Yudai explains how dangerous the royal bloodline scroll is and how Tsuyoshi Daku often gets in his head and how that puts him in danger. As Yudai is the only person that is able to see the scroll, he suggests to his parents that he must burn the scroll to kill Tsuyoshi Daku. Little did he know, if the scroll is destroyed, the power and the soul contained within the scroll would be set free. His parents agree with Yudai and say, "Go ahead."

That's the end of chapter 6. To be continued!

Thanks for reading

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