Chapter eleven.

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11.      The Train Runs Off It's Tracks.


Like she said she would, Juneau was helping Alex study for his exam. The two were sat at the small square kitchen table, the surface nearly invisible as there was a mountain of textbooks, notepads, and notebooks everywhere.

When Alex said she'd help him study, he thought it was one of two things: A bluff, or two or three questions. Not this. Juneau took her studying seriously as hell, though. Yeah, she didn't graduate top of her class at UTexas by going with the flow.

Alex was grateful ━ He really was, but damn, this was one hell of a studying process.

       "Okay, next question." She went back to her textbook, thinking of which to quiz Alex on next. Before she had a chance to ask, she was interrupted by the sound of both her and Alex's pagers going off.

       (After Izzie stomped on his that day he forgot to change the batteries, Juneau had taken it upon herself to switch them out whenever she did the same with hers. He thought it was unnecessary; mainly because it seemed like he was irresponsible ━ Which he was, but really Juneau did it because she cared for the guy and didn't want to see him screw his career up).

       The devices had been in a bowl by the front door, but the two were unsure if it was actually for them, or if it was just a malfunction. "It's probably broken." Alex waved it off, shrugging nonchalantly and directing his eyes back to the textbook.

       "Jaydan, can you turn up the tv?" The young boy did so, temporarily moving away from his Lego set to grab the remote off of the couch.

       The two adults looked up from their textbooks at the voice of a news reporter, "A massive train wreck occurred just outside of Seattle just minutes ago."

"Holy shit," Alex shook his head as the two stood up to get closer to the television after Juneau had grabbed the pagers which read 911.

"That's a dollar in the swear jar," Jaydan grinned as he pointed to said jar sitting on the circular coffee table, one which was half full.

The jar in question had only come to life when Alex began to come around. Juneau had always limited her cursing when she was around the twins. Even though they were thirteen now, she didn't want them to pick it up.

She wanted them to grow up better than she did, which was the opposite of how she was raising them. Mario and Julie didn't have a care in the world about the words they used around their daughter, and she wanted different for the twins.

On A Sunbeam ⭑ Cristina YangWhere stories live. Discover now