Chapter VIII

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(i made changes to Chapter 0)

The group is moving through the top part of the oil rig. A flare flies into the sky.

"Shadow-1, ghost, visual on flares coming from the rig! What's your status, over"

"Shit, Ghost they are going to launch the missile! It's a signal" Shera says to Ghost.

"It's the first stage! There's still time!"

"AQ doesn't deal like that, Graves. They don't want the missile to fall in our hands, what's the next best thing for them but not us" Shera explains to Graves.

"All Shadows, all Shadows, missile is on the helipad!"

Soap and Shera move up the rig. Soap shoots some cartels down.


"Get topside! Move!"

The two move inside.

"Actual, this is Shadow-1. Rig is secure. Moving on the container now."

"Roger that. Confirm when the objective is neutralized." The three move up the building, reaching the top. On the top, there is a container, that seems like a missile container.

"Open it" Soap opens the container and Graves checks inside.
"Where are the controls?" Graves sigh.
"On that damn ship"

"Actual, we got a problem, the missile is armed- controls are somewhere on the ship"

"You have your orders, son- Stop that launch..."

"Alejandro, take overwatch. Soap, Shera, you're with me. We're moving to that ship"

"I'll keep you covered, hermano" Iazan lands on the rig, providing a ride for the three. The large dragon bends down to let his rider on but gets angry when Graves and Soap try to go on.

"Dohaerās, Iazan, Lykirī" Iazan bends his hand to Shera, allowing Graves and Soap. When they get on, Shera gets on.

"All stations! Visual on the missile controls! I say again, missile controls are on the bridge"

"Copy that"

Iazan flies off the rig and to the ship.
"Ghost, this is 0-1! We are on Dragonback. Inbound to your position."

"Solid copy! We're taking effective fire! The LZ will be hot!"

"Roger that! Once we're on deck, we push to the bridge fast! We secure those controls. We stop this missile! yeah?"

Iazan lands by the deck, then flies off, giving the three a few seconds to get off.

"Let's have ourselves a gunfight!"

On the bridge

Soap and graves plant two bombs on the door to make their way in.

"This is shadow-1, going explosive on bridge entry."

"All shadows, move on the bridge!"

The group moved in.

The move to the control room.

"Alright, eyes on the controls, tappin' in..."

"Fuuck. We can't disarm it."


"It's too late..."

"There's no abort code?"

"Yeah, well that window's closed on that, boys..."

"Then we detonate it," shera said.

"You sure this will work?" Ghost asked.

"Ghost, I deal with over 4,000 nuclear weapons, which include missiles. I think I know how this works" Shera respond.

"Soap, get on the controls-- We're gonna have to do this together. Now the clock is ticking. So we gotta move, brother. Alright-? It's a two-man job, soap. Tap in, let's get this done. Yeah?"

"I'm in"

"Shera, what's the order?"

"Input the DAL code and let the payload strike." shera says, sounding like she has done this a thousand times.

"What's a DAl code?"


"Take out the rig, with the missile. Kill two birds with one stone"
"Alejandro's back there with the Shadows"

"All station -- clear the rig now, I say again- clear the rig!!"

"Roger- what's the count?"

"One minute."

"Copy, on the move...!"

"We need it in 'diagnostic' mode I can bypass the login."

Graves directs Soap on what to do.

"Let's enjoy our handiwork, Sergeant"

"Here we go...! All stations- prepare for the BOOM!!"

"Missile away..."

The missile flies into the sky and blows up the rig.

"Look at that big bad beautiful shit...!"

"Steamin' bloody Jesus."

"Alejandro, you okay?"

"Holy mother of God- that was fucking crazy, man!!"

"You safe?"

"Affirmative, you?"

"We're good here, hermano."

"Gold Eagle Actual, shadow -1. Good hit. Good hit. Missile and rig destroyed."

"Copy that, Shadow -1, good work. Get off that X and go home. Soap, Ghost, Shera - Thanks for a job, well done."

"Roger that, actual."

"We're RTB, men"

The three walk off, while shera spends a bit of time looking at the destroyed rig, knowing what is to come. The destruction is a symbol of what Graves, Hassan, Markov, and Sheperd will do to them all in time. Shera would follow them, and Iazan would fly back to base. While shera would go on the boat with the others.

(754 words)

Language: Spanish, Valyrian

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