Chapter XI

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They get off, near a house, Shera's two dragons, Iazan and Ezo already there.
"Where are we?"
"Alejandro's safe house. Give me the location just in case"
"Why didn't he tell me?"
"It was need to know"
"What if I needed to know--?"
"--- shhh." The two men kneel by a pressure plate.
"Pressure plate"
"Alejandro rigged it."
"Smart bastard"
"A windo- of course a window," Shera says. She and Soap jump in the house through the window. While Ghost stays up.
"Don't move" Ghost throws a knife scaring the person there.
"Who's there?" the three heard Rodolfo's voice, filling them with some sense of relief.
"Soap! Ghost! Shera! You're alive!"
"Affirmative." Rodolfo pulls the knife out and jumps down, the three moving to him.
"Good to see you, amigos"
"Same, friend"
"Nice throw"
"Where were you guys?"
"On the run"
"I was on the run"
"Ghost waited for me. And Shr meet up with us"
"Of course, no?"
"Yes-" Soap and Shera share a confused glance.
"we're a team... all of us. This happened on my watch and I'll need help to fix it. No one fights alone."
"Did you just gain morals, I doubt the ghost of like 2 hours ago would say that" Shera says.
"Why did Graves turn?"
"We don't know."
"Las Almas can corrupt anyone"
"He was trying to save his ass, I don't know for sure but it's a thought. Shepherd went dark after Graves betrayed us. I think we were getting too close to a truth, that would hurt them"
"For now, General Shepherd, Laswell, and anyone else outside this room is considered hostile"
"With one exception"
"We need him back"
"Come..." They walk to a room.
"Graves is holding him here"
"His own personal black site prison"
"My team is locked in there too"
"How do we get 'em back?"
"By breaking in."
"And that's why I love the Ghost."
"It's gonna take more than this"
Rodolfo turns around and opens a door to what seems like an armory.
"It's well stocked"
"My man- we're gonna need new wheels. Preferably up-armored." Rodolfo throws ghost keys and flips a switch. Showing an armored jeep.
"Alejandro thought of everything"
"Yeah he did"
"Good for us," Shera said.
"Let's go get him".
"The old prison is in a remote area outside Las Almas. It was maximum security until the narcos took over, and it was permanently closed. There is no airstrip but expect helos for security and resupply"
"We'll drive to an offset and ruck up to our infill-here. If the security towers are manned we'll need to take them out first and rope up the wall for entry"
"What about cameras?"
"There's CCTV in the security room."
"We'll use them to locate Alejandro and the rest of your men."
"Let's divide and conquer"
"While Rudy finds Alejandro, I'll use the cans to help Ghost plant charges in the key area"
"Diversions and sabotage"
"Nice, Johnny"
"I learned from the best, Lt."
"Once we pinpoint Alejandro and Los Vaqueros, we regroup and pry 'em loose."
"We'll carry extra guns in to arm my men and fight our way out the way we came in."
"Iazan and Ezo they will provide, protect from the sky, and get rid of any enemy helos," shera says
"Any questions?"
"What are we waiting for...?"
After preparing everything.
"Graves'll have this place locked down."
"Expect patrols on the outside"
"No doubt"
"We geared up?"
"Guns, ammo, and charges in the packs"
"I've got the plummet-gun. Ascenders?"
"Let's hope Alejandro's alive"
"He is, Graves isn't that dumb. Well hopefully at least" Shera says as they walk off.
"Go left"
"Let's follow it"
"This way sergeant"
"Rudy, how long've ya known Alejandro?"
"20 years. Signed up together. Toughest dude in the regiment"
"I wouldn't wanna mess with him"
"That's longer than shr's been alive"
"Shut up ghost" the other two chuckle.
"We used to say "el único que puede matar a Alejandro es Alejandro"
"What's it mean?"
"The only thing that can kill Alejandro is Alejandro"
"Tough as nails," Shera says.
"Glad he's on our side"
"A huevo"
The three keep walking, while Shera watches from above.
"Hold up. Eyes on the prison. Patrols on the outside"
"We'll have to take them out to get in"
"Two snipers, first tower- soap- you get one, I'll get the other" Soap shoots one of them and Ghost gets the other
"Shadow down."
"Good shots, hermanos"
"I'll flank around and we'll clear the field..."
"Rudy, give us a hand. Hold fire, soap"
"Got a heli incoming. Most likely a supply drop"
"Eyes on six Shadows..."
"Affirm... three at the vehicle, two behind the rocks, one solo on the right"
"Take the two at the vehicle first and the others won't see..."
"Good call."
"Soap- on my mark, drop the one in the cap" Soap points his gun to that guy.
"Check- 3,2,1..." Soap pulls the trigger on the guy, killing him, while Ghost takes out the other one"
"Solid. Two down, on the move" Shera and Soap walk to where Ghost is.
"Take the two, right of the vehicle, I'll hit the one on the other side."
Soap and Shera walk around. Soap takes out both of them.
"All clear"
"Push up to the base of the point that our entry point. Stay quiet"
The four of them move to the tower
"Let's get up there"
Rudy uses a grappling gun to throw a rope up the tower
"Good Hook"
"Take point, Lieutenant" Ghost goes up the rope.
"Soap, cover him."
"All you, soap"
The four head up to the top of the tower.
"Copy. behind you"
"Let's get to the security room. stay close"
"Look for a hatch with a ladder"
"Got it"
"It's inside," Shera tells him, following behind.
"On me, you two. Down and in". They jump down the hatch and then climb down the ladder.
"Aye. comin' down."
"Above you"
"All in. Let's move'
"Security building is straight ahead. CCTVs inside."
"Move fast and stay low" They ran to the door of the security building.
"Two inside. Let's take them out before they call their amigos."
"Stop their lives before they realize," Shera said.
"You'll want to use a close-range weapon for interior."
"Good call L.t.."
"Let's get in there."
"Ladies first" Soap moves out the door entrance.
"Is this you asking for a favor?" Shera questions walking in, slowly. She points her gun at one guy while soap points at another. They both take them out before they realize.
"We're clear. We'll use the closed-circuit to locate my men."
"And find alejandro."
"We'll need diversions when we move. I'll plant charges on the outside. Soap, your eyes'll guide me."
"I'll go with ghost. Two better then one, and it takes less time, '' Shera say.
"Are you su-"
"Soap, this isn't up for discussion. End of story".
"Get on those cameras."
"On it."
"We're out, watch for us"
"Rog. good luck, you two"
Ghost and shera get out. Soap watches them from the cameras.
"Soap, let me know when we are clear to move in past the gate"
"Clear, go"
"Acess the camera ahead and check for threats" Ghost and Shera move past the gate. They walk slowly, unsure of any danger ahead. The two head behind a box.
"One shadow, easy kill"
"Take a stab at him." Ghost stabs the shadow, while Shera stay slight behind him.
"Nighty-night, fuck-head." The two hide again.
"Shadow on the balcony." Soap looks around again.
"Multiple shadows, they're armored"
"Stay low."
"Good copy"
They wait a few seconds as soap anaylzes the situation.
"Good to go"
"One on your left"
"I got him" She says, shooting the guy on the balcony with good precision.
"A little help's not so bad, eh L.t.?"
"Stay focused, Johnny"
"Just sayin'..."
"Keep it tactical, sergeant"
"Why must you ruin all the fun?" Shera asked in a sarcastic tone. The two, move to a better spot to take out the trio of Shadows.
"One, around the corner."
"Go up.". They move up the ladder, nearby to them.
"Go down"
"He's wearing body armor, be careful"
Ghost goes to the guy and stabs him.
"Trash bin on your right. Time to take out the trash"
"Shut up, soap- fucking hell"
"Damn soap". She says. They take out a few more shadow.
"Move to the truck."
"Good place to plant a charge. How's it look?"
"Three Shadows ahead, one at the truck, two around the bend. You'll need a diversion."
"Go for it, L.t."
"Good copy" Ghost plants the bomb.
"Bomb planted. On the move..."
"Go, now." The two move away from the truck.
"Head right."
"Time for a distraction," Ghost head for a generator like thing nearby (im not looking this shit up, ok)
"Your bread 'n butter, sir"
"Lights out"
"He's heading toward the electrical."
"Unless he runs into us on the way" She says. When the guys comes close, Shera stabs him.
"I'm pretty good at this, eh"
"Uh, could be better". She says.
"I seen better"
After killing some more Shadows, and going throughhout the place. The two head up a building.
"Use your knife." Ghost knifes a shadow.
"Knife him."
"Gonna do this one my way, watch..." Ghost jumps down on the shadow then stabs him.
"Fucking beautiful, sir."
"God lord, Ghost"
The two move to another area with multi car and other vehicles.
"Move to the truck"
A shadow walks around to where the two are, Shera grabs a knife and kills him.
"Sleep tight, shithole."
"One, left."
"Cut n' paste him, Ghost."
"He's down"
Ghost goes and plants a bomb, with shera joining him there.
"Four less to give us chase."
"We're all set here, Johnny. Have we located Alejandro?"
"Perfect timing, I found him"
"Stand by..."
Rodolfo shows Soap, a video of Alejandro.
"Bloody fucking hell, that's him."
"He's in solitary."
"Two on the door"
"I see 'em"
"Ghost, shera, we got him. He's alone. Two Shadow on guard"
"Not for long. RV outside the cellblock, we'll pry him loose"
"Roger that, on the move"
Soap and Rodolfo leave the CCTV room and head outside. Ghost and Shera walk to meet with him.

(1724 words)

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