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POV: La Folie

"Location: Secured. Target Status: Regular. Suspects: None. Over" I said into my earpeice. "Okay Folie, relax patrol, but keep vigilant. Over" He said. And then, someone enters.

POV: Corsica

"Bonghjornu! Sò quì per vede Vermont è Quebec?" I said. "Giustu cusì!" The waitress said, and led me to Vermont and Quebec. "Hi!" I said to both of them. "Hi Corsica!" Quebec said as I sat down.

POV: Quebec

"So, how've you been?" I say, trying to make a conversation. "Good. How about you?" He said. "Good! Now, lets get to the point." I say. "Okay. So, first, we need to get everyone here."

POV: Chiapas

I get a call from Corsica "The Cruise is leaving harbor." Okay. "Now!" I say to everyone here. And we rush out to the restaurant and enter.

POV: France

"France we have target spotted, I repeat we have target spotted!" I hear over the radio. "Where?" I say, calm. "1 Route du Fort Ville-di-Pietrabugno, Bastia." She says. "Alright." I say, turning off the radio.

POV: New Hampshire

I sense something wrong. I feel it. Something isn't right. Like there's something thats about to boil over. Think, New Hampshire! What could be goin- wait what? Where am I?

POV: America

I stare at my board of clues. Just hoping for a breakthrough, something that could break the val-"AMERICA! We know where Vermont is!" France yells over the intercom. "Where is he?!" I say.

POV: Maine

Go time! I thought to myself, as we enter the restaurant. "Salut! On vient voir la Corse?" Chiapas says. "Bien sûr! C'est par ici!" She says, and as she directs us, we follow. "Corsica?" Chiapas says.

POV: Luxembourg

"Breaking news! Vermont Burlington gouf vu franséischen Autoritéiten lokaliséiert ass Bastia, begleet vu ville Leit. Mir halen Iech um Lafenden!" The newscaster says. Wait what!? Vermont?

POV: Julien Mercier

"Tous Préfecture de Police membres les Pease se présentent à l'hélicoptère le plus proche." I hear over the intercom. "Now what?" I say as I go to the nearest helicopter. I swear if this is Vermont.

POV: Vermont

"Alright. Everyone is here. Anyways, I am Chiapas, this is BC, Hamburg, Catalonia, Baja, Maine, Freetown Christiania, NE Syria, and Somalia!" He says while I look at al-wait Maine? "Maine!?" I say.

POV: None

As everyone was gathering together, a herd of footsteps was herd. "GELER!" Sombody in the crowd of police said. "Tout le monde, retirez-vous ! Je m'en occuperai!" A distinct voice said, shocking Quebec.

(FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! Also, for some reason, the constant POV switches builds suspense for me.)

-N Tonight!

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