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POV: La Folie

*BANG* I heard from behind me, and when I looked back at Vermont, he was dead.

POV: Vermont (The not dead one)

"Hey Quebec?" I called for my partner bride mate love bff or whatever I'm supposed to call him.

POV: La Folie

"Hello, if you are reading this, you have strayed from my directions, the Removal Process will be activated. Thank you for your time." I heard a pre recorded voice say.

POV: Quebec

"Yes my love?" I asked Vermont. "Why don't we...go back to our countries?" He asked me.

POV: La Folie

Alrigh-*BANG*-wow they're fast! Not nearly fast enough though. Just a seccccccc and now!

POV: Vermont

"You know what, why are we still in Paris? I mean it's a great location, but we're in a hostile country!" he said pretty exclamatory.

POV: La Folie

Alright! and I am out of here! I thought to myself as I strolled through the what seems to be research facility. Hey what's that?

POV: Quebec 

"Annd that is why I have bought a tickets for a direct flight from here back to Montreal!" Vermont said enthusiastically.

POV: La Folie

I decide to walk closer to the screen type thing, I realize what's going on here. "God damn..."

POV: Vermont

"Soo, we're just leaving, when's our flight?" Quebec asked. "11:45 PM." I said, and Quebec just gave my that 'why the fuck?' look.

Note: (You know what fuck it Earth's no longer a mini its just normal size now)

POV: La Folie

Protocol 087 (The Lethe Protocol) is the main program in case of needing the states (or any other population) to use anesthetics, unknowingly.

POV: Quebec

"Look, it'll help us keep undetected. Plus I got us a bodyguard!" Vermont said.

POV: La Folie

The main used anesthetics used for protocol 087 is Phencyclidine, while it's modern counterpart, Ketamine, is sometimes used when on budget.

POV: Vermont

"Vermont, do you realize how many ways this could fail?" Quebec said, worriedly.

POV: La Folie

The anesthetics, when in public, are phased in through popular items in stores and restaurants.

POV: Quebec

"Oh come on, Quebec! Don't you see how many times I've survived near death scenarios, I'v clearly got [THIS SECTION HAS BEEN REDACTED TO KEEP THE 4TH WALL INTCACT]!" He said.

POV: La Folie

God damn this is literally like They Cloned Tyrone, I thought to myself as I read further.

POV: Vermont

"Lol. Also, what day is our flight?" 'Bec asked. "...Today." I said nervously.

POV: La Folie

For the states, they are administered it via airflow in very light amounts. It is mai...[PASSWORD REQUIRED]

(I swear to god how did I get this slow this is crazy)

-N (Still alive!)

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